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00:26:48 *** KenjiE20|LT has joined #openttdcoop.pro 00:26:48 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20|LT 00:31:26 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 03:42:43 *** KenjiE20|LT has quit IRC 05:15:22 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.pro 07:38:24 *** ODM has quit IRC 10:11:52 *** de_ghosty has joined #openttdcoop.pro 10:15:16 *** De_Ghost has quit IRC 10:55:44 *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop.pro 11:04:56 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.pro 11:04:56 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 12:26:02 *** Booth is now known as Guest1392 12:52:49 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.pro 14:05:29 <XeryusTC> !ip 14:05:36 <XeryusTC> hmm 14:11:53 *** ProZone has joined #openttdcoop.pro 14:11:53 <ProZone> Autopilot engaged 14:11:53 <ProZone> Loading savegame: '#openttdcoop ProZone (www.openttdcoop.org)' 14:11:53 <ProZone> @revision r16254 14:12:00 <XeryusTC> !password 14:12:00 <ProZone> XeryusTC: spooky 14:12:07 <ProZone> *** XeryusTC joined the game 14:12:23 *** ProZone is now known as Guest1404 14:12:31 <XeryusTC> oh great :s 14:12:37 <Guest1404> Server closed down by admin 14:12:37 <Guest1404> Saving game... 14:12:39 <Guest1404> Game saved 14:12:39 <Guest1404> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost) 14:12:42 <Guest1404> Server has exited 14:12:43 *** Guest1404 has quit IRC 14:13:11 <Ammler> XeryusTC: enable the identify 14:13:17 <XeryusTC> yeah, i did :P 14:13:24 <XeryusTC> !password 14:13:30 <XeryusTC> damnit 14:14:03 <XeryusTC> it doesnt join irc anymore now :s 14:16:14 *** XeryusTC is now known as prozone 14:16:23 *** prozone is now known as XeryusTC 14:16:48 *** ProZone has joined #openttdcoop.pro 14:16:48 <ProZone> Autopilot engaged 14:16:48 <ProZone> Loading savegame: '#openttdcoop ProZone (www.openttdcoop.org)' 14:16:48 <ProZone> @revision r16254 14:16:48 <Webster> I don't know! 14:17:08 <Ammler> it takes some time 14:17:09 <XeryusTC> Ammler: it seems that the current ap cant handle with names being used already :o 14:17:24 <XeryusTC> !password 14:17:24 <ProZone> XeryusTC: speedy 14:17:35 <ProZone> *** XeryusTC joined the game 14:17:35 <Ammler> ? 14:17:48 <XeryusTC> the nick prozone was in use according to nickserv 14:17:55 <XeryusTC> so the bot couldnt join irc :s 14:18:06 <Ammler> yes 14:18:10 <Ammler> that is known, afaik 14:18:14 <Ammler> no alternative 14:19:13 <XeryusTC> yeah 14:19:20 <XeryusTC> would be nice if it did do something about that 14:19:24 <XeryusTC> if it were even slightly 14:19:30 <XeryusTC> !nicks 14:19:33 <XeryusTC> @nicks 14:19:41 <XeryusTC> @whoami 14:19:41 <Webster> XeryusTC: I don't recognize you. 14:19:51 <KenjiE20> nicks is disabled iirc 14:20:11 <KenjiE20> @config capabilities 14:20:11 <Webster> KenjiE20: -admin -trusted -owner -alias.remove -channel.nicks -alias.add 14:20:26 <XeryusTC> it doesnt think im registered with it :s 14:20:28 <KenjiE20> yea, anti-caps are default 14:20:38 <KenjiE20> probably cause you aren't 14:20:42 <XeryusTC> yeah ;) 14:20:43 <KenjiE20> Webster != Cooper 14:20:45 <XeryusTC> i got that far :P 14:21:00 <XeryusTC> @whoami 14:21:00 <Webster> XeryusTC: XeryusTC 14:21:02 <Ammler> KenjiE20: can you enabel it for users? 14:21:30 <XeryusTC> i am registered with Webster now :) 14:21:35 <KenjiE20> it's enabled for anyone with channels on their caps 14:21:55 <XeryusTC> but now someone needs to register me as an admin on every channel :o 14:23:20 <XeryusTC> anyway, someone needs to announce that there is a new game running here 14:25:21 <Ammler> you! 14:25:31 <Ammler> !url 14:25:31 <ProZone> Ammler: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/prozone 14:26:46 <KenjiE20> @topic replace 2 #7 (r16254) 14:26:46 *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop.pro - Advanced #openttdcoop gameplay | #7 (r16254) | STAGE: ECS continue... | visit www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/PZ_game_ideas" 14:27:04 <KenjiE20> cool, tis working 14:27:37 *** Booth has joined #openttdcoop.pro 14:27:56 <Ammler> no trainset 14:28:02 <Booth> !password 14:28:02 <ProZone> Booth: dyeing 14:28:11 <ProZone> *** Chris Booth joined the game 14:28:32 <Ammler> @stage 14:28:32 <Webster> I have no idea, Ammler. 14:29:09 <KenjiE20> I still need to write those 14:29:19 <KenjiE20> @help topic replace 14:29:19 <Webster> KenjiE20: (topic replace [<channel>] <number> <topic>) -- Replaces topic <number> with <topic>. 14:29:24 <KenjiE20> ^ use that for now 14:29:47 <Ammler> @alias add state [topic set 3 STAGE: ] 14:29:47 *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop.pro - Advanced #openttdcoop gameplay | #7 (r16254) | STAGE: | visit www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/PZ_game_ideas" 14:29:59 <KenjiE20> @undo 14:30:00 *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop.pro - Advanced #openttdcoop gameplay | #7 (r16254) | STAGE: ECS continue... | visit www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/PZ_game_ideas" 14:42:16 <XeryusTC> Ammler: there is no trainset on purpose :P 14:42:39 <XeryusTC> !rcon patch unpause_level 14:42:39 <ProZone> XeryusTC: you are not allowed to use !rcon 14:42:47 <XeryusTC> bah 14:42:51 <Ammler> :-) 14:42:53 <XeryusTC> @op 14:42:59 <XeryusTC> someone allow me to op myself here :s 14:43:06 <ODM> hmm 14:43:07 <ODM> @op 14:43:11 <ODM> how unkind:p 14:43:13 <Ammler> /cs op #here 14:43:21 <XeryusTC> i cant do that either 14:43:24 <XeryusTC> i've tried before :o 14:43:48 <KenjiE20> @channel capability add XeryusTC op 14:43:48 <Webster> KenjiE20: The operation succeeded. 14:43:54 <KenjiE20> try now 14:44:04 * ODM pokes KenjiE20:P 14:44:14 <KenjiE20> @user list 14:44:14 <Webster> KenjiE20: Ammler, KenjiE20, planetmaker, thraxian, and XeryusTC 14:44:17 <KenjiE20> ^^ 14:44:32 <planetmaker> hm? 14:44:34 <XeryusTC> @op 14:44:34 *** Webster sets mode: +o XeryusTC 14:44:39 <Ammler> [16:44] [Notice] -ChanServ- XeryusTC added to #openttdcoop.pro access list as CHANOP. 14:44:41 <XeryusTC> !rcon patch unpause_level 14:44:41 <ProZone> XeryusTC: 'unpause_level' is an unknown setting. 14:44:46 <XeryusTC> !rcon patch pause_level 14:44:46 <ProZone> XeryusTC: 'pause_level' is an unknown setting. 14:44:56 <KenjiE20> min_clients or something 14:45:05 <KenjiE20> min_active_clients i think 14:45:19 <XeryusTC> !rcon patch min_active_clients 14:45:19 <ProZone> XeryusTC: Current value for 'min_active_clients' is: '0' (min: 0, max: 255) 14:45:22 <XeryusTC> !rcon patch min_active_clients 2 14:45:29 <Ammler> XeryusTC: pause_level was from ap 14:45:35 <Ammler> and shouldn't be used anymore. 14:45:39 <XeryusTC> hehe, ok 14:45:50 <Ammler> means value -1 14:47:15 <Ammler> why do we have a different version for pro? 14:47:19 <Ammler> !revision 14:47:19 <ProZone> Ammler: Game version is r16254 14:47:24 <XeryusTC> because i ran ./update :P 14:47:31 <Ammler> hmm 14:48:31 <XeryusTC> omfg 14:48:33 <ODM> !password 14:48:33 <ProZone> ODM: captor 14:48:36 <XeryusTC> with OTT we can have CL 1 :P 14:48:40 <ProZone> *** ODM joined the game 14:48:51 <ProZone> <ODM> thatllb e neat with the mountains 14:49:13 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> indeed :) 14:49:51 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> plan done :) 14:49:54 <ProZone> <ODM> spur? 14:49:55 <Ammler> you will seriously make a 1tile game? 14:49:56 <ProZone> <ODM> lol already 14:50:06 <XeryusTC> Ammler: ofcourse we will :) 14:50:08 <ProZone> <ODM> yes, finally 14:50:42 <ProZone> <ODM> thats the slimmest plan ever:D 14:51:05 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> KISS :) 14:51:27 <ProZone> <ODM> hehe 14:51:33 <ProZone> <ODM> KISS is overrated 14:51:41 <ProZone> <ODM> non-kiss improved job security:D 14:52:44 <ProZone> <ODM> hmm cant think of anything original 14:54:08 <XeryusTC> make it standard :P 14:54:16 <ProZone> <ODM> where's the fun in that:p 14:55:01 *** Kolo has joined #openttdcoop.pro 14:56:52 <ProZone> <ODM> maybe i should plan a 9 shape, since you did the 8^^ 14:57:08 <XeryusTC> the fun of this game is in the tiny trains ;) 14:57:16 <ProZone> <ODM> fair point 14:57:54 <ProZone> *** ODM has changed his/her name to 0DM 14:59:25 <ProZone> *** Kolo joined the game 14:59:59 <ProZone> <0DM> ey:) 15:00:06 <ProZone> <Kolo> hello 15:00:26 *** Kommer has joined #openttdcoop.pro 15:00:39 <XeryusTC> hey kolo :) 15:00:41 <Kommer> hey 15:00:43 <Kommer> !password 15:00:43 <ProZone> Kommer: chants 15:00:46 <XeryusTC> @stage planning 15:00:46 *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop.pro - Advanced #openttdcoop gameplay | #7 (r16254) | STAGE: planning | visit www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/PZ_game_ideas" 15:01:55 <ProZone> <0DM> thisll be madness 15:02:20 <ProZone> *** Kommer joined the game 15:03:15 <Mark> oi we got a game here? 15:03:23 <ProZone> <0DM> no, you're seeing things 15:04:00 <Mark> !password 15:04:00 <ProZone> Mark: chants 15:04:16 <ProZone> *** Mark joined the game 15:04:32 <ProZone> <Mark> lets use lev4 15:04:38 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> cant do that 15:04:41 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> they dont cary oil 15:04:56 <ProZone> <Mark> they dont carry anything 15:05:06 <ProZone> <Mark> theyre not refitable 15:05:09 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hmm, good point :P 15:05:27 <ProZone> <0DM> lol 15:05:41 <ProZone> <0DM> there, silly plan 15:06:27 <ProZone> <Mark> let's use CL1.5 15:06:33 <ProZone> <Mark> 0.5 is ugly 15:06:49 <ProZone> <0DM> aw but it works:p 15:07:19 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> hello all 15:07:22 <ProZone> <Mark> hello 15:07:24 <ProZone> <0DM> ellow 15:07:30 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> what the plan? 15:08:00 <ProZone> <0DM> what the grammar?^^ 15:08:10 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> ok sorry 15:08:14 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> what is the plan? 15:08:16 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> stan 15:09:22 <ODM> we're planning 15:10:29 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> XTC wins 15:10:31 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> lets build 15:10:33 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> yay! 15:10:35 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> lets build :P 15:11:01 <ProZone> <0DM> lol:p 15:11:28 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> since this is a bemocratic game but like a russian decoracy 15:11:38 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> youe vote for XTC ordie lol 15:11:52 <ProZone> <0DM> if only we had lots of scenarios submitted 15:12:08 <ProZone> <0DM> we could make scenario+plan, then vote outside on which to play 15:12:38 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i want the Openttdcoop world cup 15:13:12 <ProZone> *** 0DM has left the game (leaving) 15:13:12 <ProZone> *** 0DM has left the game (connection lost) 15:13:14 <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost) 15:14:16 *** Booth is now known as Guest1408 15:14:16 *** Guest1392 is now known as Booth 15:14:35 <ODM> ill hop on later:) 15:17:59 <ProZone> *** Kommer has left the game (connection lost) 15:19:11 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> only 2 plans so far? 15:19:51 <Kommer> back. stupid laptop went dead :) 15:20:03 <Kommer> !password 15:20:03 <ProZone> Kommer: crotch 15:20:19 <Kommer> hmm 15:20:24 <Kommer> i get a network connection lost :/ 15:20:33 *** Guest1408 has quit IRC 15:20:37 <Kommer> !password 15:20:37 <ProZone> Kommer: weeing 15:20:45 <Kommer> strange. cant join in 15:20:53 <Kommer> ow, nevermind 15:21:07 <KenjiE20> yea, thats the PS you're joining isn't it? 15:21:17 <ProZone> *** Kommer joined the game 15:21:20 <Kommer> :P 15:21:25 * Kommer is stupid 15:26:30 * planetmaker awards the May medal of self-awareness to Kommer :D 15:30:39 <XeryusTC> :D 15:31:32 <ODM> grats 15:32:46 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> still only 2plans so far? 15:36:10 <ODM> seems so 15:36:41 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> OH NOES, TIED! 15:36:51 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> Mark: go vote ;) 15:36:57 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> for the dutchie! :P 15:37:38 <Mark> there 15:37:58 <ODM> no more plans? 15:38:27 <ODM> then please ad my vote to xeryus^^ 15:39:16 <Ammler> plans on pro? 15:39:19 <ProZone> <Mark> lets get building then :P 15:39:20 <Ammler> how lame 15:40:01 <XeryusTC> yes, lets build 15:40:51 <XeryusTC> but first, shower! 15:40:54 <XeryusTC> brb 15:41:10 <ODM> lol 15:49:51 <ProZone> <Mark> anyone planning on helping me? :P 15:50:10 <ODM> in a bit:p 15:50:45 *** Booth has quit IRC 15:50:52 <Ammler> XeryusTC: in newgrf, D=double (2byte) 15:51:06 <Ammler> and w=word (4bytes) 15:51:26 <Ammler> ? 15:52:56 <ODM> !password 15:52:56 <ProZone> ODM: wavers 15:53:02 <ProZone> *** 0DM joined the game 15:53:18 <ProZone> <0DM> ellow 15:53:28 <ProZone> <Mark> reinforcements :) 15:53:32 <ProZone> <0DM> lies:p 15:53:58 <ProZone> <0DM> are we doing CL2? 15:54:09 <ProZone> <Mark> i am :P 15:54:17 <XeryusTC> Ammler: i think so, yes 15:54:19 <ProZone> <Mark> guess you can do 1 if you like 15:54:27 <Ammler> thx 15:54:37 <ProZone> <0DM> lets do 2 on the ml bits, as its neater 15:54:39 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> heh, we need some high TF :P 15:54:41 <ProZone> <0DM> but 1 on sidelines isnt bad 15:55:52 <Ammler> /!!Warning (76): 2 is not a valid <size> for variable A4. 15:55:55 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i'm building bbh 2 :P 15:56:29 <ProZone> <0DM> ill start town drop 15:56:35 <ProZone> <Mark> ring done 15:56:41 <ProZone> <0DM> nice mark 15:57:03 <Ammler> might it be nforenum isn't compatible with the openttd vars 15:57:30 <XeryusTC> the size is also defined at the newgrf wiki ;) 15:57:42 <Ammler> well, I am there 15:57:57 <Ammler> A4 D Current year; long format, year zero based since r13376 in OpenTTD 15:58:29 <XeryusTC> hmm, you can also use an escape for that :P 15:58:38 <ProZone> <0DM> hmm, guessing double bridges isnt enough here^^ 15:58:54 <ProZone> <Mark> should trais turn around at a drop or be forced to do a loop? 15:59:12 <ProZone> <0DM> fair question 15:59:22 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> from everywhere to everywhere imo 15:59:31 <SmatZ> [17:50:53] <Ammler> XeryusTC: in newgrf, D=double (2byte) 15:59:33 <SmatZ> [17:51:06] <Ammler> and w=word (4bytes) 15:59:36 <SmatZ> Ammler: ^^^ the other way around 15:59:54 <SmatZ> d = dword, 4B ; w = word, 2B 16:00:00 <Ammler> ah 16:00:08 <Ammler> stupid XeryusTC ;-) 16:00:14 <SmatZ> http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-index.php?page=GRFActionsDetailed intro :) 16:00:36 <Ammler> don't need the intro, I am advanced user :P 16:00:54 <SmatZ> ok :o) 16:01:15 <Ammler> hmm, how could I miss that :-/ 16:02:07 <Ammler> SmatZ: how many times will the newgrf code executed? 16:02:11 <Ammler> every tick? 16:02:21 <SmatZ> it depends 16:02:57 <SmatZ> when needed :) 16:03:15 <SmatZ> but I am really not the parson to ask newgrf questions :) 16:04:15 <ProZone> <0DM> ugh need to change bridges later... 4 tile bridge is slow 16:04:25 <ProZone> <Mark> yeah 16:05:49 <Ammler> it isn't that important to bother one 16:05:55 <Ammler> just curios 16:06:16 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> 3 tile is even slower :P 16:06:34 <ProZone> <0DM> yeah sadly, but that wont change i think 16:06:41 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> indeed 16:10:54 <ProZone> *** Player joined the game 16:10:58 <ProZone> <Mark> oh no a Player 16:11:00 <ProZone> *** Player has changed his/her name to Kenji 16:11:08 <ProZone> <Kenji> new config ^_^ 16:11:14 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> Kenji ist cheater :P 16:11:20 <ProZone> <0DM> what?:p 16:13:14 <ProZone> <0DM> dinnertime, bb 16:13:29 <ProZone> *** 0DM has left the game (leaving) 16:13:29 <ProZone> *** 0DM has left the game (connection lost) 16:16:54 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> OTT is awesoem already :P 16:17:10 <ProZone> <Mark> yeah 16:17:13 <ProZone> <Kenji> tiny curves ftw huh? 16:17:17 <ProZone> <Mark> you can hardly mess up 16:17:20 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> check the joiner near bbh 2 :P 16:17:46 <ProZone> <Kenji> hah mint 16:17:46 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> 4*5 footprint, in a corner 16:17:48 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> including buffer :P 16:19:43 <ProZone> <Kenji> sync fixes are easy too :P 16:19:53 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> yeah :P 16:20:32 <Ammler> hmm, "Disabled" isn't hat helpful error msg. 16:21:40 <SmatZ> :-x 16:22:24 <Ammler> any idea, what could be wrong? 16:22:27 <Ammler> http://paste.openttd.org/182729 16:22:44 <Ammler> since I added Action9 and the 2nd 16:23:11 <Ammler> ups, I got it 16:23:54 <Ammler> well not all 16:24:45 <Ammler> I have also to skip sprite 2, if >1930, but 16:24:54 <Ammler> still disabled 16:28:51 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> huzzah for half tile foundations :D 16:32:23 <ProZone> <Kenji> well thats part of the central SL/BBH thing mapped 16:33:38 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hehe, these joiners are so bad 16:33:38 <ProZone> <Kenji> I'm tempted to use the madness of PBS to get the inner lines out over the same bridges :P 16:33:44 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> they put most of the traffic on the centre line 16:33:54 <ProZone> <Mark> yeah 16:36:39 <ProZone> *** jondisti has left the game (connection lost) 16:37:51 <ProZone> *** jondisti has left the game (connection lost) 16:38:56 <ProZone> *** jondisti has left the game (connection lost) 16:39:44 <ProZone> <Mark> that should do 16:39:46 *** Booth has joined #openttdcoop.pro 16:40:19 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> double stuff everywhere! :P 16:40:20 <Booth> hello 16:40:31 <ProZone> <Mark> hm wtf 16:40:33 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hey 16:40:35 <ProZone> <Mark> i got a dead end 16:40:37 <ProZone> <Kenji> heh, double everything, even the doubled stuff!! 16:40:43 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> rofl 16:40:52 <Booth> you building now? 16:40:59 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> yes 16:40:59 <ProZone> <Mark> how did i manage to miss that? 16:41:09 <ProZone> <Kenji> rofl nice 16:41:15 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> by not watching what you're doing? :P 16:41:21 <ProZone> <Mark> probably 16:41:56 <Booth> !password 16:41:57 <ProZone> Booth: enacts 16:41:59 <ProZone> <Kenji> lol 16:42:03 <ProZone> <Kenji> into the bridgehead 16:42:09 <ProZone> <Mark> :P 16:42:14 <ProZone> *** Chris Booth joined the game 16:42:21 <ProZone> <Kenji> its a 'feature' 16:44:40 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i'm building some of the weirdest shit ever :P 16:44:58 <ProZone> <Mark> nasty factory 16:45:06 <ProZone> <Mark> i want my magic dozer 16:45:12 <ProZone> <Kenji> hah 16:52:11 <ProZone> <Kenji> I really hate optical illusions 16:52:29 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> realy? 16:54:32 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> pfew 16:54:32 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> done 16:54:54 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> it all seems so simple 16:55:05 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> but still is fully balanced :o 16:56:27 <ProZone> <Mark> now im done 16:56:29 <ProZone> <Mark> again 16:56:40 <ProZone> <Mark> no more dead ends it seems 16:58:10 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hmm, my hub could be shrunk alot :o 16:58:20 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> or well, by 5 tiles or so :P 16:59:06 <ProZone> <Mark> hm 16:59:18 <ProZone> <Mark> gotta make pancakes or my sis will kill me 16:59:20 <ProZone> <Mark> brb 16:59:22 <ProZone> *** Mark has left the game (leaving) 16:59:22 <ProZone> *** Mark has left the game (connection lost) 16:59:26 <ProZone> <Kenji> lol 16:59:29 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> better not get killed then ;) 16:59:56 <ProZone> <Kenji> pancakes and anti death, what's not to like 17:00:26 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> indeed :D 17:07:37 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hah, hub footprint shrunk :P 17:07:53 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> with 7 tiles in one direction :D 17:08:40 <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators 17:15:16 <ProZone> <Kenji> xer 17:15:20 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> yes? 17:15:35 <ProZone> <Kenji> feel like waving some magic over the center SL? :P 17:15:53 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hmm? 17:16:33 <ProZone> <Kenji> splits are mapped, but still having a little trouble with merge and 4->2->whatever 17:16:39 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i'd suggest you start working on one split/join before doing everything else :P 17:16:53 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> oh ok :P 17:17:04 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> so everything i see here are splits? 17:17:18 <ProZone> <Kenji> except the western bit yes 17:18:00 <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has joined company #1 17:18:17 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hmm, that will become one huge 4 way slh i guess :P 17:18:43 <ProZone> <Kenji> pretty much 17:19:47 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i think you may quadruple those :P 17:20:41 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i think you could better make a different 2->4 joiner 17:20:49 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> where you dont have to cross the entire ML like this :P 17:21:05 <ProZone> <Kenji> hehe quite probably 17:21:19 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i like my loop and tunnels 17:21:21 <ProZone> <Kenji> but this does have the advantage of 'just working' 17:21:32 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> true 17:26:20 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> is the centre split just one SLH? 17:26:54 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i think so 17:27:33 <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving) 17:27:33 <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost) 17:35:12 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> flattened the entire southern ML somewhat :) 17:39:13 <XeryusTC> dinner time 17:48:28 <ProZone> *** Kenji has left the game (leaving) 17:48:28 <ProZone> *** Kenji has left the game (connection lost) 17:54:33 *** Booth has quit IRC 18:00:31 <ProZone> *** mitooo has left the game (connection lost) 18:00:33 <ProZone> <XeryusTC> back 18:11:35 <ProZone> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost) 18:16:27 <ODM> !password 18:16:27 <ProZone> ODM: froths 18:16:48 <ProZone> *** 0DM joined the game 18:16:59 <ProZone> <0DM> waho peasants! 18:28:54 <ProZone> <0DM> so, whats going on? 18:31:03 <ProZone> <0DM> wow kenji, wth:D 18:31:09 <ProZone> <0DM> center split is pretty 18:31:18 <KenjiE20> hehe ty 18:31:37 <KenjiE20> needs work on the merge though 18:39:17 <ProZone> <0DM> not sure how to do my station merge either 18:39:23 <ProZone> <0DM> will need a bit more thinking 18:39:38 * Mark is back 18:39:45 <Mark> !password 18:39:45 <ProZone> Mark: scrams 18:39:47 <ProZone> <0DM> wb 18:39:57 <ProZone> *** Mark joined the game 18:39:57 <Mark> thank you :) 18:41:07 <ProZone> <0DM> hmm i feel like a beer/icecream combo 18:41:37 <ProZone> <Mark> interesting combo 18:41:49 <ProZone> <0DM> hehe 18:42:56 <ProZone> <Mark> i feel like a coffee/ice cream combo 18:43:02 <ProZone> <0DM> aah, dun like coffee 18:45:04 <ProZone> <0DM> hmm, maybe a combo isnt so great 18:45:07 <ProZone> <0DM> cant keep both cold:p 18:45:46 <ProZone> *** Mark has joined spectators 18:49:22 <ProZone> <0DM> those hill BBH's look nice:D 18:50:55 <ProZone> <0DM> had to do some CL1 ^^ 18:52:02 <ProZone> <0DM> slightly ran out of space:p 18:56:37 <ProZone> <0DM> the both ways thing is annoying:p 19:01:04 <ProZone> <0DM> this is getting odd now 19:18:08 *** Booth has joined #openttdcoop.pro 19:18:21 <Booth> hello 19:18:42 <ProZone> <0DM> ey chris 19:19:11 <Booth> !password 19:19:11 <ProZone> Booth: dogmas 19:19:24 <ProZone> *** Chris Booth joined the game 19:28:00 <ProZone> <0DM> there, sortof completed town drop 19:28:19 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> lol 19:28:25 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i am just doing factory drop 19:28:33 <ProZone> <0DM> became a tad bigger than id hoped 19:29:44 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> factry drop entrance and drop are complete 19:33:22 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> can you help me delete gunningwell 19:33:28 <ProZone> <0DM> lol 19:33:50 <ProZone> <0DM> we gotta remove the stadium first 19:34:18 <ProZone> <0DM> nice:) 19:34:32 <ProZone> <0DM> you bulldoze, i tree:) 19:35:55 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> thanks 19:35:57 <ProZone> <0DM> :) 19:36:05 <ProZone> <0DM> np 19:38:20 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> thats how to merge with no space 19:38:31 <ProZone> <0DM> hehe 19:38:41 <ProZone> <0DM> thats kinda odd:D 19:41:17 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i like my merge and split 19:41:27 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> it has lots of levels 19:46:42 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> Factroy drop complete 19:46:46 <ProZone> <0DM> nice 19:46:49 <ProZone> <0DM> now a pickup:p 19:47:00 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> in tht space? 19:47:02 <ProZone> <0DM> hehe 19:47:20 <ProZone> <0DM> well guess it only needs entry and exit from one way 19:47:26 <ProZone> <0DM> as they go north 19:47:56 <ProZone> <0DM> although dont quote me on that^^ 19:48:06 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> to make more traffic and money we should send the south 19:49:33 <ProZone> <0DM> signalling is evil:D 19:49:52 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i wasnt sure if it needed priors 19:50:06 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> but for TL and maglev accell will be instant 19:50:13 <ProZone> <0DM> i gave it small ones, just incase 19:50:19 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> and gaps will be so small to get a prior 19:50:33 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> well i was thinking that but decided not to 19:52:03 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i think we should built compressors of this network 19:52:09 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> as every join on the ML 19:52:12 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> to stop jams 19:52:30 <ProZone> *** Kommer has left the game (leaving) 19:52:30 <ProZone> *** Kommer has left the game (connection lost) 19:52:34 <ProZone> <0DM> we'll see 19:58:52 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> we need to grow 1 town a bit for goods 19:59:06 <ProZone> <0DM> yeah well grow gudhattan ridge later 19:59:17 <ProZone> <0DM> but as long as there's no trains, we're good:p 19:59:20 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i would grow Narhall 19:59:36 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> will get in the way less 19:59:38 <ProZone> <0DM> so we can delete gudhattan if needed? 19:59:44 <ProZone> <Chris Booth> yeah 19:59:47 <ProZone> <0DM> fair point 20:02:46 *** combuster has joined #openttdcoop.pro 20:02:46 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o combuster 20:06:45 <ProZone> <0DM> there, done 20:07:24 <ProZone> <0DM> so im goners:) 20:07:31 <ProZone> *** 0DM has left the game (leaving) 20:07:32 <ProZone> *** 0DM has left the game (connection lost) 20:09:29 <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving) 20:09:29 <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost) 20:09:49 <ProZone> *** Kolo has left the game (leaving) 20:09:49 <ProZone> *** Kolo has left the game (connection lost) 20:09:56 <Kolo> !save 20:09:56 <ProZone> Saving game... 20:09:57 <ProZone> Game saved 20:10:18 <Booth> kolo !save doesnt do anything 20:10:25 <Booth> server saves on exit 20:12:22 <Kolo> a few months ago AP was sayng Game saved when the last player left. Now it stoped doing that - i assumed it was turned off. 20:40:19 <Booth> no 20:45:45 *** Kolo has quit IRC 21:36:15 *** KenjiE20 is now known as Guest1436 21:36:16 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.pro 21:36:16 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 21:39:58 *** Guest1436 has quit IRC 21:40:24 *** [1]Booth has joined #openttdcoop.pro 21:50:12 *** ODM has quit IRC 22:02:52 *** combuster has quit IRC 22:11:27 *** [1]Booth has quit IRC 22:16:49 *** [com]buster has joined #openttdcoop.pro 22:16:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o [com]buster 22:20:59 <ProZone> *** Combuster joined the game 22:23:31 <ProZone> *** Combuster has left the game (leaving) 22:23:31 <ProZone> *** Combuster has left the game (connection lost) 22:49:50 *** KenjiE20|LT has joined #openttdcoop.pro 22:49:50 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20|LT 22:49:56 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 23:05:45 *** [com]buster has quit IRC 23:24:16 *** StarLite has quit IRC