Log for on 11th May 2010:
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00:55:34  *** Webster has joined
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17:26:49  <OwenS> We not started a new game here yet?
18:02:10  <Chris_Booth> OwenS: not sure why not but no
18:02:19  <Chris_Booth> @stage waiting
18:02:19  *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop ProZone | #12 (r19734) | STAGE: waiting | visit | Members, please note invites on our "list" | next game:"
19:54:56  <Ammler> why?
19:55:10  <Ammler> @stage waiting for?
19:55:10  *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop ProZone | #12 (r19734) | STAGE: waiting for? | visit | Members, please note invites on our "list" | next game:"
19:57:18  *** Progman has quit IRC
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19:58:45  <Razaekel> waiting for a new game
19:58:52  *** OwenS has quit IRC
19:59:33  <Ammler> and what is about that game in the topic?
19:59:49  *** OwenSX28-AC is now known as OwenS
20:03:26  <Razaekel> huh
20:03:29  <Razaekel> that's a small map
20:04:31  <Razaekel> well
20:04:36  <Razaekel> ammler, go ahead and start it
20:29:03  <Chris_Booth> !password
20:29:03  <ProZone> Chris_Booth: gobbed
20:29:20  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth joined the game
20:29:21  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
20:29:34  <Chris_Booth> @stage +A new Game
20:29:35  *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop ProZone | #12 (r19734) | STAGE: +A new Game | visit | Members, please note invites on our "list" | next game:"
20:29:50  <Chris_Booth> @stage Waiting for? A new Game
20:29:51  *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop ProZone | #12 (r19734) | STAGE: Waiting for? A new Game | visit | Members, please note invites on our "list" | next game:"
20:30:58  <Chris_Booth> Ammler: thats what we are waiting for
20:31:14  <Chris_Booth> also i may stop playing with the topic before you get pissed off
20:32:41  <Ammler> !getfile
20:32:44  <Ammler> !getsave
20:32:44  <ProZone> Ammler: !getsave <url>: downloads the save from given <url>
20:33:17  <Ammler> !getsave
20:33:19  <ProZone> Ammler: OK :-)
20:33:43  <Ammler> !rcon pwd
20:33:43  <ProZone> Ammler: /home/openttd/svn-prozone/autopilot/save/
20:33:48  <Ammler> !rcon cd 1
20:33:51  <Ammler> !rcon pwd
20:33:51  <ProZone> Ammler: /home/openttd/svn-prozone/autopilot/save/archive/
20:33:59  <Ammler> !rcon cd 0
20:34:04  <Ammler> !rcon cd 2
20:34:06  <Ammler> !rcon pwd
20:34:07  <ProZone> Ammler: /home/openttd/svn-prozone/autopilot/save/autosave/
20:34:11  <Ammler> mäh
20:34:16  <Ammler> !rcon cd 0
20:34:22  <Ammler> !rcon cd uploads
20:34:26  <Ammler> !rcon pwd
20:34:26  <ProZone> Ammler: /home/openttd/svn-prozone/autopilot/save/uploads/
20:34:43  <Ammler> !rcon load PZ13_playtime.sav
20:34:51  <Ammler> !info
20:34:55  <ProZone> *** Game paused (not enough players)
20:35:00  <Ammler> !info
20:35:00  <ProZone> Ammler: #:1(Orange) Company Name: 'Sonhill Transport'  Year Founded: 1950  Money: 148024510  Loan: 0  Value: 148465868  (T:2, R:0, P:3, S:0) unprotected
20:35:17  <Ammler> !archive
20:35:22  <Chris_Booth> Ammler: you make the final save or 12?
20:35:39  <Ammler> someone already did according to @stage
20:35:54  <Chris_Booth> i dont think anyone did
20:36:07  <Chris_Booth> i made the archive
20:36:07  <Ammler> they why did you change the stage already?
20:36:21  <Chris_Booth> but 99% sure it didnt have a final save
20:36:26  <Ammler> so I need to ssh :-P
20:36:30  <Chris_Booth> i made the archive 2 days ago
20:36:51  <Ammler> !rcon quit
20:36:53  <Chris_Booth> the game finished 3 days ago
20:36:53  <Chris_Booth> let me just check
20:36:56  <ProZone> Server has exited
20:36:57  *** ProZone has quit IRC
20:37:11  *** einKarl has quit IRC
20:37:20  <Ammler> @stage save of #12 needs archived
20:37:20  *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop ProZone | #12 (r19734) | STAGE: save of #12 needs archived | visit | Members, please note invites on our "list" | next game:"
20:38:38  <Chris_Booth> Ammler: also has the file uploader been fixed?
20:38:50  <Ammler> yes
20:38:52  <Ammler> !getsave
20:39:22  <Chris_Booth> Ammler: no Prozone to getsave
20:39:28  <Chris_Booth> you killed him
21:10:56  <V453000> whats going on here o.o
21:11:48  <Chris_Booth> no one ever made the final save of PZ #12
21:12:02  <Chris_Booth> Ammler: loaded the game as i was messing with topic
21:12:11  <Chris_Booth> now i think he is looking for it
21:12:46  <V453000> he
21:15:35  <Chris_Booth> hhm would this be a bad time to say i have an auto save of PZ 12?
21:16:40  <Chris_Booth> ooh dont worry and dont ask for it
21:16:43  <Chris_Booth> it is rather old
21:18:19  <V453000> I dont have any
21:22:56  <Chris_Booth> i was just about to say something realy silly in the .stable channel
21:23:09  <Chris_Booth> i was going to say are we going to make and archive of these games
21:23:30  <Chris_Booth> then i rembered they wont really be a track of anything like the PS and PZ archives
21:24:51  <V453000> I dont have words for that
21:25:03  * Ammler did and does nothing
21:25:11  <Ammler> that is why I noted it in @stage
21:25:45  <V453000> today when I came to our server, all of my RVs were blocked and there was a new company called hehe ... blocking everything .... envy, competiting???, retardines, noobs
21:25:51  <Ammler> doesn't the PZ have any autosave?
21:25:53  <V453000> Ammler: what now then :)
21:27:36  <Chris_Booth> Ammler: it does have the same autosave as PS last time i checked
21:51:54  *** Progman has joined
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