Log for on 15th March 2011:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:40:47  *** Sylf has joined
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08:15:19  <V453000> !password
08:15:19  <ProZone> V453000: knotty
08:16:01  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:16:03  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
08:16:30  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
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16:54:16  *** Progman has joined
18:19:54  <V453000> !password
18:19:54  <ProZone> V453000: knotty
18:20:23  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
18:20:24  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
18:20:59  <V453000> Vinnie: around and willing to move with this thing? :)
18:21:27  <Vinnie> why move it
18:21:36  <Vinnie> looks good atm
18:21:51  <V453000> it does not have many trains ;[
18:22:31  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
18:22:34  <ProZone> *** Vinnie joined the game
18:22:35  <ProZone> *** Vinnie has joined company #1
18:22:35  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
18:22:39  <ProZone> <V453000> :) hi
18:22:41  <ProZone> <Vinnie> hi
18:25:30  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00025680:
18:28:50  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000276F8:
18:32:10  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000265E:
18:32:22  <ProZone> <Vinnie> btw you were winning in the PS game. finally
18:32:28  <ProZone> <V453000> I know
18:32:38  <ProZone> <Vinnie> CB made it a tie :(
18:32:48  <ProZone> <V453000> sure, he would never vote for me
18:33:06  <ProZone> <Vinnie> i hate loops they are to easy
18:33:13  <ProZone> <V453000> it is not about the plans
18:33:19  <ProZone> <V453000> it is about his attitude to me
18:34:31  <ProZone> <Vinnie> well i assume you dont care about him
18:34:41  <ProZone> <Vinnie> or his opinion
18:34:44  <ProZone> <V453000> cannot be bothered to really
18:34:51  <ProZone> <V453000> but thanks for your support, I care about that :p
18:35:30  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00005526:
18:35:38  <ProZone> <Vinnie> btw those towns grow to fast
18:35:47  <ProZone> <Vinnie> i add trains and service goes up
18:35:51  <ProZone> <V453000> at least we have something to do
18:36:01  <ProZone> <Vinnie> befor i know i add more trains to the same station
18:36:03  <ProZone> <V453000> I can slow them down, but ...
18:36:42  <ProZone> <V453000> btw drop 02 should be stressed a lot
18:36:49  <ProZone> <V453000> we should have easy expansions around there
18:36:56  <ProZone> <V453000> where for example 03 will not have that much room
18:37:15  <ProZone> <Vinnie> dinner time
18:37:25  <ProZone> <Vinnie> i will stay in game
18:37:25  <ProZone> <V453000> ok :) enjoy
18:38:51  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000A938:
18:42:11  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003D8D6:
18:45:31  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003799F:
18:48:51  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003AF93:
18:50:25  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
18:50:27  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
18:57:42  <V453000> !password
18:57:42  <ProZone> V453000: sorely
18:58:02  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
18:58:02  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
18:58:04  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
18:59:57  <ProZone> <Vinnie> ok then
19:00:03  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
19:02:12  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002CE2D:
19:02:39  <ProZone> <V453000> I have rerouted some from 03 to 02
19:03:05  <ProZone> <Vinnie> why stress 2
19:03:09  <ProZone> <Vinnie> it will work
19:03:20  <ProZone> <V453000> very easy expanding there
19:03:26  <ProZone> <V453000> no MSH
19:03:36  <ProZone> <Vinnie> you only need to add deadock prvention and overflow depot
19:04:04  <ProZone> <V453000> not really, the deadlock maybe
19:04:42  <ProZone> <V453000> it will probably look a lot differently in the end
19:05:32  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003AD78:
19:06:12  <ProZone> <Vinnie> finaly over 600 trains
19:08:05  <ProZone> <V453000> :))
19:08:52  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00005526:
19:12:12  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000C7B2:
19:15:33  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003AD78:
19:28:53  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000265E:
19:30:29  *** mfb- has joined
19:31:16  <ProZone> *** Vinnie has left the game (connection lost)
19:31:16  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
19:31:21  <Vinnie> !password
19:31:21  <ProZone> Vinnie: skates
19:31:36  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
19:31:37  <ProZone> *** Vinnie joined the game
19:31:50  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
19:31:50  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
19:31:52  <ProZone> *** Vinnie has joined company #1
19:31:53  <ProZone> *** mfb joined the game
19:31:58  <ProZone> <Vinnie> Hello mfb
19:32:02  <ProZone> <mfb> hi
19:35:33  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00005526:
19:37:47  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
19:38:53  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0001DE50:
19:41:28  <ProZone> <Vinnie> nice
19:41:42  <ProZone> <mfb> ?
19:41:44  <ProZone> <Vinnie> V wake up
19:41:51  <ProZone> <Vinnie> your station jams
19:42:13  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00020D97:
19:42:19  <mfb-> !screen
19:42:19  <ProZone> *** mfb- liked to make screenshot of last action, but nobody was working since. (
19:43:12  <ProZone> <mfb> ok I made a screenshot
19:43:20  <ProZone> <mfb> and released the train
19:43:27  <ProZone> <mfb> don't want a complete network with jam
19:45:34  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00005526:
19:48:44  <ProZone> *** mfb has left the game (connection lost)
19:48:44  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
19:48:46  <ProZone> <Vinnie> big error
19:48:53  <mfb-> server?
19:48:54  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000B72E:
19:49:07  <ProZone> <Vinnie> no in a pbs prio
19:49:12  <mfb-> oh. where?
19:49:19  <mfb-> !password
19:49:19  <ProZone> mfb-: reigns
19:49:20  <ProZone> <Vinnie> makes the ML double bridge work as one bridge
19:49:28  <ProZone> <Vinnie> SLH07
19:49:30  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
19:49:30  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
19:49:32  <ProZone> *** mfb joined the game
19:49:52  <ProZone> <Vinnie> Merger SW
19:52:14  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00038F32:
19:52:16  <ProZone> <Vinnie> ok i need to go for an hour
19:52:22  <ProZone> <Vinnie> then i will be back
19:52:26  <ProZone> <mfb> ok
19:52:32  <ProZone> <Vinnie> want me to stay ingame?
19:52:42  <ProZone> <mfb> would help, yes
19:52:48  <ProZone> <Vinnie> oke brb
19:52:50  <ProZone> <mfb> thanks
19:55:34  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000AD35:
19:58:54  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00008F43:
20:02:15  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000993C:
20:05:35  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000AB36:
20:08:55  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000CB39:
20:12:08  <ProZone> <Vinnie> hmm faster than i thought :)
20:12:14  <ProZone> <mfb> hmm
20:12:15  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002ACF3:
20:12:35  <ProZone> <mfb> I spotted some nice place to improve a prio over bridge
20:12:41  <ProZone> <mfb> but lost it
20:13:53  <ProZone> <Vinnie> and there we go 700 trains
20:14:01  <ProZone> <Vinnie> that are 200 build today
20:15:05  <ProZone> <mfb> some jam at bbh 05
20:15:36  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000094F9:
20:15:43  <ProZone> <Vinnie> did you make the pre-signals two-way
20:15:45  <ProZone> <mfb> twoways helped
20:17:23  <ProZone> <mfb> ah, the bridge at SLH13
20:18:05  <ProZone> <Vinnie> do not tell me that you plan to use PBS
20:18:15  <ProZone> <mfb> without bridge, without pbs :)
20:18:41  <ProZone> <mfb> can I test it?
20:18:44  <ProZone> <Vinnie> sure
20:18:56  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002D41B:
20:19:20  <ProZone> <mfb> like that
20:19:31  <ProZone> <mfb> ah
20:19:37  <ProZone> <mfb> same idea :)
20:19:47  <ProZone> <Vinnie> yeah 7 tiles away
20:20:18  <ProZone> <Vinnie> it is a nice solution btw
20:20:24  <ProZone> <Vinnie> way better than pbs
20:22:16  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002CE2D:
20:22:35  <ProZone> <Vinnie> the acceleration is crap
20:22:57  <ProZone> <mfb> could be worse
20:24:25  *** ODM has joined
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20:24:46  <ProZone> <Vinnie> drop 1 jammed again
20:25:02  <ProZone> <mfb> same thing?
20:25:09  <ProZone> <Vinnie> yes
20:25:25  <ProZone> <mfb> ok, so x2 blocks x1
20:25:31  <ProZone> <Vinnie> y
20:25:36  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00022397:
20:25:41  <ProZone> <mfb> the train wants to go to x1
20:25:47  <ProZone> <mfb> and is blocked by the next one
20:25:50  <ProZone> <Vinnie> yes
20:26:12  <ProZone> <mfb> let's do it like that
20:26:34  <ProZone> <Vinnie> no not there if i am correct
20:26:51  <ProZone> <mfb> trains will enter the block later
20:27:07  <ProZone> <Vinnie> true
20:27:12  <ProZone> <mfb> so the train can get its own green
20:27:23  <ProZone> <Vinnie> but wire + entry will fix the whole problem
20:27:31  <ProZone> <mfb> hmm
20:27:37  <ProZone> <Vinnie> \
20:27:46  <ProZone> <Vinnie> noo that is wrong
20:27:46  <ProZone> <mfb> I don't know if that got no side-effects
20:28:01  <ProZone> <mfb> as the combo signal looks for something, too
20:28:24  <ProZone> <Vinnie> lets keep it like this and let V figure out
20:28:31  <ProZone> <mfb> good idea :D
20:28:56  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00020D97:
20:29:29  <ProZone> <Vinnie> the bridges wont recover from a jam
20:29:40  <ProZone> <mfb> where?
20:30:00  <ProZone> <Vinnie> well now it stopped because it run out of trains
20:30:16  <ProZone> <Vinnie> but any double bridge will stop the train after a jam
20:30:27  <ProZone> <Vinnie> and keep stopping all the trains
20:31:01  <ProZone> <mfb> unbalanced MSH05 gets jams
20:31:43  <ProZone> <Vinnie> also a bridge like i meant
20:31:54  <ProZone> <mfb> it's not just the bridge
20:32:14  <ProZone> <mfb> but the bridge does not help, that is right
20:32:17  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000F054:
20:32:52  <ProZone> <Vinnie> so MSH 05 does outer to outer and inner to innner
20:32:59  <ProZone> <Vinnie> that should be changed?
20:34:09  <ProZone> <mfb> added some balancing near drop05 now
20:35:22  <ProZone> <Vinnie> that shifter does nothing special
20:35:37  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000F051:
20:35:43  <ProZone> <mfb> but it can help when the outer line is slow again
20:35:43  <ProZone> <Vinnie> it only puts more pressure on the inner ml instead of the outer
20:35:53  <ProZone> <mfb> the inner line is free
20:38:57  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00037B98:
20:42:17  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00038F6B:
20:45:38  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00029FE3:
20:48:58  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00029FED:
20:52:18  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002A1E9:
20:55:38  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000960D:
20:57:15  <Razaekel> !dl win64
20:57:15  <ProZone> Razaekel:
20:58:14  <Razaekel> !password
20:58:14  <ProZone> Razaekel: igloos
20:58:25  <ProZone> <Vinnie> raz
20:58:25  <ProZone> *** Razaekel joined the game
20:58:29  <ProZone> <Vinnie> Hello
20:58:32  <ProZone> <mfb> hi
20:58:34  <ProZone> <Razaekel> yo
20:58:58  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00006E21:
20:59:26  <ProZone> <Vinnie> we might need to triple some parts soon
20:59:34  <ProZone> <mfb> :)
20:59:58  <ProZone> <Vinnie> do we want more primaries btw
21:00:16  <ProZone> <mfb> why not...
21:02:19  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00007C12:
21:03:10  <ProZone> *** Razaekel has left the game (connection lost)
21:05:39  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00007A2A:
21:08:59  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00007816:
21:12:19  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00009A34:
21:15:40  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00003E1A:
21:19:00  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000481D:
21:22:20  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00003820:
21:25:40  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00003625:
21:29:00  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00003A20:
21:31:20  <ProZone> *** Vinnie has left the game (connection lost)
21:31:22  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
21:32:21  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00006A22:
21:32:54  <ProZone> <mfb> MSH05 and Drop 02 need some expansion soon
21:33:24  <ProZone> <mfb> MSH03 is busy, but it can handle the traffic at the moment
21:33:56  <Vinnie> !password
21:33:56  <ProZone> Vinnie: arable
21:34:07  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
21:34:07  <ProZone> *** Vinnie joined the game
21:34:12  <ProZone> <Vinnie> yes i am still here :)
21:34:16  <ProZone> *** Vinnie has joined company #1
21:34:16  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
21:34:40  <ProZone> <Vinnie> well V wanted to stress Drop 2
21:35:27  <ProZone> <mfb> we can do that, no problem :p
21:35:41  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000AA15:
21:35:47  <ProZone> <Vinnie> yeah but he might want to do it himsef
21:35:53  <ProZone> <Vinnie> himself
21:38:31  <ProZone> <Vinnie> SLH needs expansion now
21:38:41  <ProZone> <mfb> where?
21:38:51  <ProZone> <Vinnie> part to SW
21:38:57  <ProZone> <Vinnie> SLH 01
21:39:01  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00005E83:
21:39:08  <ProZone> <mfb> hmm indeed
21:39:26  <ProZone> <Vinnie> lets do it till the bridges?
21:39:34  <ProZone> <Vinnie> LL_RR
21:39:52  <ProZone> <mfb> well, bottleneck is the ML-entry
21:42:10  <ProZone> <mfb> maybe RRR to BBH05
21:42:21  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00038994:
21:43:37  <ProZone> <Vinnie> yeah lets do that
21:45:42  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00036AD6:
21:48:01  *** Vinnie has quit IRC
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21:49:02  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00038ED6:
21:52:22  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000386C4:
21:55:10  <ProZone> <mfb> hmm
21:55:16  <ProZone> <mfb> MSH03 gets jams now
21:55:27  <ProZone> <mfb> east->south
21:55:42  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003D275:
21:55:45  <ProZone> <mfb> sorry west->south
21:56:19  <ProZone> <Vinnie> well we finally got some real work instead of adding trains
21:56:25  <ProZone> <mfb> :)
21:56:51  <ProZone> <mfb> give prio to both lines from west?
21:57:22  <ProZone> <mfb> or we can expand the whole thing to 3 lines. will be necessary at some time, anyway
21:57:40  <ProZone> <Vinnie> i think the 3 lines will be the best solution
21:58:10  <ProZone> * mfb expands the drop
21:58:34  <ProZone> <mfb> copy&paste :D
21:58:40  <ProZone> <Vinnie> easy
21:59:03  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003DE67:
22:02:23  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00039474:
22:03:04  *** Progman has quit IRC
22:03:10  <ProZone> <Vinnie> damn
22:05:43  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003C870:
22:05:57  <ProZone> <Vinnie> you just moved it 3 tiles?
22:06:01  <ProZone> <mfb> 2 tiles
22:06:19  <ProZone> <mfb> exit is not ready yet
22:06:34  <ProZone> <Vinnie> entry merger also not yet done
22:06:48  <ProZone> <mfb> ?
22:06:54  <ProZone> <mfb> @MSH?
22:06:58  <ProZone> <Vinnie> however i am going to do that the easy way
22:07:00  <ProZone> <Vinnie> yes
22:07:03  <ProZone> <mfb> ah
22:09:03  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003D875:
22:09:15  <ProZone> <Vinnie> oops
22:09:29  <ProZone> <mfb> oh
22:11:57  <ProZone> <Vinnie> rdy?
22:12:12  <ProZone> <mfb> well exit not
22:12:18  <ProZone> <mfb> but it is ok
22:12:19  <V453000> !password
22:12:19  <ProZone> V453000: parred
22:12:24  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003F671:
22:12:39  <V453000> !password
22:12:39  <ProZone> V453000: parred
22:12:55  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
22:12:57  <ProZone> <V453000> hi :)
22:13:07  <ProZone> <Vinnie> hey
22:13:09  <ProZone> <mfb> hi
22:15:44  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000ED94:
22:17:12  *** Intexon has quit IRC
22:18:04  <ProZone> <Vinnie> flow looks good
22:18:10  <ProZone> <mfb> :)
22:18:12  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
22:18:43  <ProZone> <Vinnie> V did you see the signs near your Drop 1
22:18:57  <ProZone> <V453000> yes :) thanks
22:19:04  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000394D1:
22:19:31  <ProZone> <V453000> not too sure if that helps, but if it seems to :)
22:19:47  <ProZone> <Vinnie> well it needs a stress test
22:20:05  <ProZone> <V453000> yes :)
22:20:08  <ProZone> <mfb> "not sure" is more than I had :D
22:20:12  *** Intexon has joined
22:22:18  <ProZone> <V453000> :o overflow?
22:22:20  <ProZone> <V453000> that should not be needed
22:22:24  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00038CD6:
22:22:32  <ProZone> <mfb> where?
22:22:34  <ProZone> <V453000> productions do not fluctuate
22:22:38  <ProZone> <mfb> well
22:22:41  <ProZone> <V453000> Wrutbridge 03
22:22:43  <ProZone> <mfb> trains do
22:22:50  <ProZone> <V453000> then the network jams :)
22:22:53  <ProZone> <mfb> some jam somewhere and you get mass trains
22:23:09  <ProZone> <V453000> well the network should not jam :)
22:23:19  <ProZone> <mfb> "should" is nice
22:23:25  <ProZone> <mfb> please tell it the network ;)
22:23:31  <ProZone> <V453000> :P
22:23:41  <ProZone> <mfb> we had 4 breakdowns so far and some smaller jams
22:23:47  <ProZone> <mfb> 2 from drop2 connected to a pickup
22:23:53  <ProZone> <mfb> 2 from drop01
22:25:45  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002A7E7:
22:26:47  <ProZone> <mfb> oh damn
22:26:49  <ProZone> <V453000> YEYY
22:27:17  <ProZone> <Vinnie> haha will teach you yo youtch my mergers
22:27:23  <ProZone> <mfb> :p
22:27:23  <ProZone> <Vinnie> toutch
22:27:29  <ProZone> <mfb> we need a 3rd line there
22:27:50  <ProZone> <Vinnie> a 3rd from south?
22:28:06  <ProZone> <mfb> west
22:28:26  <ProZone> <mfb> ?
22:28:32  <ProZone> <mfb> that was fine
22:29:05  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002A1E7:
22:32:00  <ProZone> <Vinnie> wow that was fast
22:32:14  <ProZone> <mfb> ?
22:32:25  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00036C96:
22:32:33  <ProZone> <Vinnie> you guys already transformed BBH05
22:32:44  <ProZone> <mfb> was the first thing I did
22:33:39  <ProZone> <V453000> btw Vinnie you will not be pleased with the current PS voting situation :p
22:33:57  <ProZone> <Vinnie> who wants a chat with me?
22:34:21  <ProZone> <V453000> :D I do not think you want to chat with pm
22:34:35  <ProZone> <Vinnie> nah i skip him
22:35:00  <ProZone> <Vinnie> i will chat with mfb
22:35:10  <ProZone> <V453000> :D enemy!
22:35:10  <ProZone> <Vinnie> i might get some reason into him
22:35:45  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00037484:
22:36:12  <ProZone> <Vinnie> why does pm vote i have only seen him play on the stable
22:36:24  <ProZone> <V453000> ask him not me
22:36:35  <ProZone> <Vinnie> does he hate you to?
22:36:53  <ProZone> <V453000> not really :)
22:37:00  <ProZone> <mfb> MSH03 looks good
22:39:05  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003BF25:
22:40:28  <ProZone> <mfb> how to expand the merger at slh07?
22:40:47  <ProZone> <Vinnie> tough one :)
22:41:01  <ProZone> <V453000> just ... bridge the ML
22:41:03  <ProZone> <Vinnie> but i will show you
22:41:03  <ProZone> <mfb> move it east?
22:42:26  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003AF1E:
22:42:34  <ProZone> <Vinnie> ok?
22:42:52  <ProZone> <mfb> didn't want to mess around in the middle of the SLH
22:43:40  <ProZone> <mfb> hmm
22:43:42  <ProZone> <mfb> no
22:44:26  <ProZone> <V453000> 4 lines? :o
22:44:28  <ProZone> <mfb> no
22:44:51  <ProZone> <Vinnie> 3 is SL
22:44:53  <ProZone> <V453000> why the bridge then
22:45:14  <ProZone> <mfb> to 1
22:45:18  <ProZone> <V453000> and 4?
22:45:21  <ProZone> <mfb> no 4
22:45:29  <ProZone> <Vinnie> all my good work
22:45:46  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00039F1E:
22:46:04  <ProZone> <Vinnie> why mfb?
22:46:06  <ProZone> <V453000> btw what does .stable learning mean? :D
22:46:12  <ProZone> <mfb> why what?
22:46:26  <ProZone> <Vinnie> that you learn syncing there
22:46:29  <ProZone> <Vinnie> not on ps
22:46:58  <ProZone> <V453000> well, stable is here for only about a year
22:47:16  <ProZone> <V453000> and many people still learn basics on the PS :p
22:47:36  <ProZone> <mfb> learned it from the wiki :)
22:47:36  <ProZone> <V453000> still, the point stands, signing it "Pro" is sort of funny :p
22:48:00  <ProZone> <Vinnie> it is Pro
22:48:06  <ProZone> <V453000> why?
22:48:10  <ProZone> <Vinnie> i made it
22:48:30  <ProZone> <V453000> you are a stable noob as you claim :P
22:48:36  <ProZone> <Vinnie> true
22:48:54  <ProZone> <Vinnie> i cant convice my co noobs that pbs are bad
22:49:06  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003AF22:
22:49:11  <ProZone> <V453000> their problem
22:49:17  <ProZone> <Vinnie> no my problem
22:49:35  <ProZone> <Vinnie> all my pre-signal stations where transformed to PBS
22:49:49  <ProZone> <mfb> oh
22:49:56  <ProZone> <mfb> ok we will need two lines at SLH01
22:50:51  <ProZone> <V453000> hm
22:51:06  <ProZone> <V453000> we could make a SLH near Flendinghead
22:51:08  <ProZone> <V453000> if you want
22:51:30  <ProZone> <mfb> hmm
22:51:52  <ProZone> <V453000> a better way imo
22:52:03  <ProZone> <mfb> ok
22:52:27  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003C56F:
22:55:47  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003AFA6:
22:59:07  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003B1A7:
22:59:42  <ProZone> <mfb> ?
22:59:53  <ProZone> <mfb> 5 :)
22:59:55  <ProZone> <V453000> yes, or that :)
23:00:01  *** ODM has quit IRC
23:00:14  <ProZone> <Vinnie> you both working on the same SLH?
23:00:22  <ProZone> <mfb> pbs :(
23:00:30  <ProZone> <mfb> evil
23:00:36  <ProZone> <V453000> what?
23:01:05  <ProZone> <mfb> oh.. ok
23:01:07  <ProZone> <V453000> you do not need PBS there
23:01:25  <ProZone> <mfb> if everything keeps in sync and so on.. ok
23:01:40  <ProZone> <V453000> same as syncing with the X etc
23:01:44  <ProZone> <mfb> right
23:02:18  <ProZone> <mfb> well, good night
23:02:22  <ProZone> <V453000> cya
23:02:28  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003B39F:
23:02:28  <ProZone> <Vinnie> bye
23:02:36  <ProZone> *** mfb has left the game (connection lost)
23:02:53  *** mfb- has quit IRC
23:04:10  <ProZone> <Vinnie> the 4rd ml?
23:04:13  <ProZone> <Vinnie> 3rd?
23:04:21  <ProZone> <V453000> wa?
23:04:59  <ProZone> <Vinnie> from SLH01 a 3rd ml will be connected to drop
23:05:21  <ProZone> <V453000> new SLH you mean?
23:05:31  <ProZone> <Vinnie> yes
23:05:49  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003C794:
23:09:09  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003AD98:
23:12:03  <ProZone> <V453000> we can reroute them tomorrow ... got to go, gnight
23:12:11  <ProZone> <Vinnie> gn
23:12:18  <ProZone> *** Vinnie has left the game (leaving)
23:12:18  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
23:12:22  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
23:12:29  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003BD9C:

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