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00:03:52 <Stablean> <V453000> MrD2DG: dont make it too non-FUGLY ;) 00:04:12 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Sorry i know i went TF crazy only got 8 mil left :'( 00:04:34 <Stablean> <V453000> its fine 00:04:56 <Stablean> <V453000> you wont be able to do much more anyway :D 00:04:58 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> xD 00:06:25 <Stablean> <V453000> bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcy! Screamed the hungry crowd 00:06:33 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> LOL 00:07:05 <Stablean> *** Sylf has joined spectators 00:09:11 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 00:09:14 <V453000> hf :p 00:09:15 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Woah 00:09:19 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Thanks :D 00:12:33 <Stablean> *** Chris joined the game 00:14:23 <Stablean> *** Chris has left the game (leaving) 00:24:43 <Stablean> *** Sylf has left the game (connection lost) 00:25:15 *** Mazur has quit IRC 01:04:12 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has left the game (leaving) 01:04:12 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 01:06:50 *** Mazur has joined #openttdcoop.stable 01:06:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mazur 01:19:45 *** Intexon has quit IRC 01:20:17 *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop.stable 01:28:47 *** Mazur has quit IRC 01:29:49 *** Mazur has joined #openttdcoop.stable 01:29:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mazur 02:49:31 *** Intexon has quit IRC 03:53:36 <Stablean> *** sfertul joined the game 03:54:21 <Stablean> <sfertul> \ 04:01:03 <Stablean> *** sfertul has left the game (leaving) 05:32:34 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 05:34:02 *** DayDreamer has left #openttdcoop.stable 07:57:24 <Stablean> *** Anson joined the game 08:05:11 *** Mazur has quit IRC 08:09:36 <Stablean> *** Anson has left the game (leaving) 08:58:59 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable 08:58:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 11:11:58 *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop.stable 11:20:38 *** Chris_Booth_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 11:24:46 *** Intexon has quit IRC 11:27:02 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 13:09:29 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 13:09:31 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG joined the game 13:18:45 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has joined spectators 13:18:45 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 13:18:51 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has joined company #2 13:18:51 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 13:26:36 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game 13:26:37 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has started a new company (#4) 13:26:41 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators 13:27:03 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hi 13:27:05 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> #hi 13:28:08 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> MrD2DG: boat! 13:28:45 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I know :) 13:28:48 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> why? 13:28:55 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> CBA with this compsany anymore 13:29:02 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has started a new company (#4) 13:29:06 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators 13:29:27 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> V said a new PSG is starting anyway so ill play there 13:29:37 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no game there 13:29:39 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> just planing 13:29:41 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Well planning 13:29:43 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> yeah 13:29:46 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has joined spectators 13:29:48 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 13:29:56 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :) 13:30:02 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> those suspension bridges where ugly! 13:30:05 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has started a new company (#2) 13:30:07 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 13:30:11 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I know :P 13:30:45 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> look @ size 13:30:47 *** TWerkhoven has joined #openttdcoop.stable 13:30:49 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> they are massive 13:31:00 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P 13:31:16 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I think they look better than the elec rail ones actually 13:31:25 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators 13:31:25 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 13:32:38 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving) 13:32:42 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has left the game (leaving) 13:33:51 *** MrD2DG has joined #openttdcoop.stable 13:46:15 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 13:46:18 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 14:01:46 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:02:12 *** DayDreamer has left #openttdcoop.stable 14:03:05 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 14:03:05 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 15:47:31 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 15:47:33 <Stablean> *** Garik(RUS) joined the game 15:48:05 <Stablean> *** Garik(RUS) has left the game (leaving) 15:48:05 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 15:50:36 *** Mazur has joined #openttdcoop.stable 15:50:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mazur 15:53:34 <Stablean> *** DnZ-Ali joined the game 15:55:11 <Stablean> *** DnZ-Ali has left the game (leaving) 16:57:26 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 16:57:29 <Stablean> *** dh2k3 joined the game 16:57:52 <Stablean> <dh2k3> hello 17:33:48 <Stablean> *** dh2k3 has left the game (leaving) 17:33:48 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 18:35:31 *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop.stable 18:45:06 *** Intexon has quit IRC 18:46:57 *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop.stable 18:54:45 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.stable 18:59:00 *** Chris_Booth_ has quit IRC 19:01:56 *** md_ has quit IRC 19:02:29 <Stablean> *** BennyCZ joined the game 19:04:06 <Stablean> *** BennyCZ has left the game (leaving) 19:40:58 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving) 19:42:41 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx joined the game 20:11:24 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx has left the game (leaving) 20:17:53 *** MrD2DG has quit IRC 20:22:39 *** MrD2DG has joined #openttdcoop.stable 21:22:39 *** ODM has quit IRC 21:32:07 *** TWerkhoven has quit IRC 22:13:53 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game 22:16:24 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving) 22:22:03 <Stablean> *** Peterie joined the game 22:22:41 <Stablean> *** Peterie has left the game (leaving) 22:49:52 *** Chris_Booth_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 22:55:02 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 22:55:16 *** Chris_Booth_ is now known as Chris_Booth 23:07:55 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 23:13:42 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game 23:13:56 <Stablean> *** SpectatingBeginner joined the game 23:15:35 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (leaving) 23:16:00 <Stablean> <SpectatingBeginner> hi everyone, why is the game paused? 23:21:11 <MrD2DG> Because noone was in an active company 23:21:16 <MrD2DG> So it auto-pauses 23:34:10 *** MrD2DG has quit IRC