Log for #openttdcoop.stable on 8th February 2012:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:00:12  <Stablean> <Afdal> So...  Anyone in here?
00:00:18  <Stablean> <chester> wut
00:00:30  <Stablean> <Afdal> Do you know why the public server is currently locked?
00:00:37  <Stablean> <chester> idk
00:00:43  <Stablean> <Afdal> And what is the purpose of this Welcome server?  I've never been in here
00:01:16  <planetmaker> the PS is not locked to my knowledge
00:01:19  <planetmaker> why would it be?
00:01:35  <Stablean> <Afdal> I dunno, it says it's locked though when I check it in the server browser
00:01:36  <planetmaker> and what's the purpose of a game server? Playing, of course
00:01:49  <Stablean> <Afdal> Well I mean how is this server different from the other server?
00:01:51  <planetmaker> it says it has a password. Nothing else
00:02:10  <Stablean> <Afdal> So...  It's not locked?
00:02:13  <planetmaker> And the PW ensures that players are in the public server's IRC channel
00:02:21  <Stablean> <Afdal> ah
00:02:31  <planetmaker> as you won't get it otherwise
00:02:48  <planetmaker> and it changes every few minutes. So no point trying to remember ;-)
00:03:56  <Stablean> *** Afdal has left the game (leaving)
00:19:53  <Stablean> *** chester has left the game (leaving)
00:33:46  <Stablean> *** A.Ryan has left the game (leaving)
00:33:46  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
00:33:57  *** ARyan has quit IRC
00:37:12  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (processing map took too long)
00:37:12  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost)
00:37:12  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
00:37:46  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
00:37:48  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
00:39:16  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (general timeout)
00:39:16  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost)
00:49:38  *** Speedy` has quit IRC
00:49:38  *** md_ has quit IRC
00:49:38  *** Guvnor has quit IRC
00:49:38  *** Sylf has quit IRC
00:50:47  *** Guvnor has joined #openttdcoop.stable
00:50:47  *** Sylf has joined #openttdcoop.stable
00:50:47  *** md_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
00:50:47  *** Speedy` has joined #openttdcoop.stable
00:50:47  *** sets mode: +o Sylf
00:51:36  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mark
00:51:36  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v KenjiE20
01:11:08  *** Guvnor has quit IRC
01:25:28  *** Keyboard_Warrior has quit IRC
01:27:35  *** Guvnor has joined #openttdcoop.stable
01:56:09  *** Keyboard_Warrior has joined #openttdcoop.stable
03:01:40  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
03:01:43  <Stablean> *** FlyingGaijin joined the game
03:03:35  <Stablean> *** FlyingGaijin has left the game (leaving)
03:18:25  *** Keyboard_Warrior has quit IRC
03:24:25  *** Keyboard_Warrior has joined #openttdcoop.stable
04:01:35  *** Keyboard_Warrior has quit IRC
04:13:12  <Stablean> <Big_Meech> hi
05:19:31  <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has started a new company (#8)
05:19:31  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
05:20:08  <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined spectators
05:20:08  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
05:22:35  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (downloading map took too long)
05:22:35  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost)
05:22:39  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
05:23:43  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
05:23:44  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
05:23:44  <Stablean> <Big_Meech> hey speedy
05:23:44  <Stablean> <Speedy> hi meech
05:23:59  <Stablean> <Big_Meech> probably close to a new map actually
05:24:14  <Stablean> <Speedy> yehaha
05:27:21  <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has left the game (general timeout)
05:27:21  <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has left the game (connection lost)
05:27:34  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (general timeout)
05:27:34  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost)
05:28:36  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
05:28:36  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
05:28:39  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
05:30:52  <Stablean> *** Big_Meech joined the game
05:33:32  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (general timeout)
05:33:32  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost)
05:33:32  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
05:34:11  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
05:34:11  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
05:35:31  <Stablean> *** Speedy has joined company #7
05:35:31  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
05:36:21  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (general timeout)
05:36:21  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost)
05:36:21  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
05:36:51  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
05:36:52  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
05:38:51  <Stablean> *** Speedy has joined company #7
05:38:51  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
05:39:53  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (general timeout)
05:39:53  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost)
05:39:53  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
05:41:09  *** Guvnor has quit IRC
05:59:35  *** theholyduck has joined #openttdcoop.stable
06:03:44  *** Guvnor has joined #openttdcoop.stable
06:06:19  <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has started a new company (#8)
06:06:19  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
06:07:11  <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined spectators
06:07:11  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
06:07:13  <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has started a new company (#9)
06:07:13  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
06:10:55  <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined spectators
06:10:55  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
06:11:03  <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has started a new company (#8)
06:11:03  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
06:13:35  <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined spectators
06:13:35  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
06:22:51  *** theholyduck has quit IRC
07:31:57  *** Guvnor_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
07:33:08  *** Guvnor has quit IRC
07:33:23  *** Guvnor_ is now known as Guvnor
07:54:20  *** TWerkhoven[l] has joined #openttdcoop.stable
08:35:30  *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable
08:35:41  *** DayDreamer has left #openttdcoop.stable
08:45:26  *** TWerkhoven[l] has quit IRC
08:47:28  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:47:28  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:47:30  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen joined the game
08:50:42  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen has left the game (leaving)
08:50:42  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
09:37:07  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
09:37:07  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
09:37:09  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen joined the game
10:00:09  *** Guvnor has quit IRC
10:09:15  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen has left the game (general timeout)
10:09:15  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen has left the game (connection lost)
10:09:15  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
11:17:42  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
11:17:42  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
11:17:42  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen joined the game
11:29:27  <Stablean> *** chester joined the game
11:30:47  <Stablean> *** chester has joined company #1
11:47:54  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game
11:51:15  <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game
11:51:18  <Stablean> <V453000> hi
11:51:20  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> lo
11:51:20  <Stablean> <Leon Mergen> hi
11:51:22  <Stablean> <chester> hi
11:56:07  <Stablean> *** Mark joined the game
11:56:09  <Stablean> <Mark> hello
11:56:11  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> hi\
11:56:17  <Stablean> <chester> hi
11:58:07  <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
11:58:47  <Stablean> *** Mark has left the game (leaving)
12:00:46  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
12:05:34  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (leaving)
12:14:10  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (general timeout)
12:14:10  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost)
12:14:44  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
12:17:28  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (general timeout)
12:17:28  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost)
12:21:56  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
12:25:26  <Stablean> *** Speedy has joined company #7
12:26:23  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (general timeout)
12:26:23  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost)
12:30:27  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen has left the game (leaving)
12:55:15  <Stablean> *** Andy joined the game
13:01:59  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen joined the game
13:13:29  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen has left the game (general timeout)
13:13:29  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen has left the game (connection lost)
13:26:41  <Stablean> *** chester has left the game (leaving)
13:41:52  *** Firestar has joined #openttdcoop.stable
13:41:57  <Firestar> when does a new game start?
13:45:01  *** Firestar has left #openttdcoop.stable
14:12:34  *** Guvnor has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:37:04  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen joined the game
14:37:13  <Stablean> <Leon Mergen> hi
14:50:52  *** TWerkhoven[l] has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:51:15  <Sylf> !ip
14:51:16  <Stablean> Sylf:
14:59:15  <Stablean> *** Firestar joined the game
14:59:57  <Stablean> *** Firestar has left the game (general timeout)
14:59:57  <Stablean> *** Firestar has left the game (connection lost)
15:05:43  *** TWerkhoven has joined #openttdcoop.stable
15:22:46  <Stablean> *** chester joined the game
15:32:01  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen has left the game (general timeout)
15:32:01  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen has left the game (connection lost)
15:32:38  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
15:38:45  <Sylf> !rcon ls
15:38:45  <Stablean> Sylf: 0) .. (Parent directory)
15:38:45  <Stablean> Sylf: 1) archive/ (Directory)
15:38:45  <Stablean> Sylf: 2) desync_debug7.sav
15:38:45  <Stablean> Sylf: 3) StableArcS16.sav
15:38:45  <Stablean> Sylf: 4) StableTempS26.sav
15:38:46  <Stablean> Sylf: you have 7 more messages
15:38:50  <Sylf> !more
15:38:50  <Stablean> Sylf: 5) StableAlpS01.sav
15:38:50  <Stablean> Sylf: 6) StableTropS12.sav
15:38:50  <Stablean> Sylf: 7) A.Ryan Transport, 1948-10-21_fix.sav
15:38:50  <Stablean> Sylf: 8) StableToyS04.sav
15:38:50  <Stablean> Sylf: 9) StableTempS25.sav
15:38:52  <Stablean> Sylf: you have 2 more messages
15:42:20  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
15:42:52  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (general timeout)
15:42:52  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost)
15:48:01  <Stablean> *** Andy has left the game (leaving)
15:49:43  <Sylf> !getsave
15:49:46  <Stablean> Sylf: OK :-)
15:51:32  <Sylf> !rcon ls
15:51:32  <Stablean> Sylf: 0) .. (Parent directory)
15:51:32  <Stablean> Sylf: 1) archive/ (Directory)
15:51:32  <Stablean> Sylf: 2) StableTropS13.sav
15:51:32  <Stablean> Sylf: 3) desync_debug7.sav
15:51:32  <Stablean> Sylf: 4) StableArcS16.sav
15:51:34  <Stablean> Sylf: you have 8 more messages
15:51:54  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
15:52:06  <Sylf> !rcon load 2
15:52:18  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
15:52:22  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
15:52:22  <Stablean> *** chester joined the game
15:52:24  <Stablean> *** Big_Meech joined the game
15:52:40  <Stablean> <chester> interesting
15:52:46  <Sylf> heya Meech
15:53:10  <Sylf> ah, chester is here too
15:53:15  <Stablean> *** Sylf has left the game (connection lost)
15:53:15  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
15:53:30  <Sylf> !rcon reset_company 1
15:53:30  <Stablean> Sylf: Company deleted.
15:53:33  <Sylf> !setdef
15:53:34  <Stablean> *** Sylf has disabled wait_for_pbs_path, wait_twoway_signal, wait_oneway_signal, ai_in_multiplayer; enabled no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns, extra_dynamite, mod_road_rebuild, forbid_90_deg, rail_firstred_twoway_eol and set path_backoff_interval to 1, train_acceleration_model to 1
15:53:36  <Sylf> !auto
15:53:36  <Stablean> *** Sylf has enabled autopause mode.
15:53:40  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (processing map took too long)
15:53:40  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost)
15:53:40  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
15:54:10  <Stablean> *** Speedy has started a new company (#1)
15:54:10  <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players)
15:54:10  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
15:54:12  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
15:54:23  <Sylf> I'm on a slow-ass connection at an airport right now...  I hope this map will work out
15:54:36  <Sylf> have fun, see ya
15:58:47  <Mazur> Have fnu.
16:03:39  <Stablean> *** A.Ryan has started a new company (#2)
16:03:41  <Stablean> *** A.Ryan joined the game
16:03:50  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> hellooo
16:04:25  <Stablean> <Speedy> hey
16:06:43  <Sylf> does everything look in order?
16:07:19  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> yeah all looks ok
16:08:29  <Sylf> weird part is using temperate engines in tropical. :). that's about it
16:15:52  <Stablean> *** Firestar joined the game
16:15:53  <Stablean> <Firestar> hi
16:16:05  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> there might be a slight problem with universal stuff?
16:16:07  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> hi
16:16:25  <Stablean> <Firestar> what problem?
16:16:35  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> an engine with no running cost?
16:17:22  <Stablean> <Firestar> but the unversal engine has a running cost
16:17:55  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> well that what it says on the description might just be wrong on there
16:18:46  <Stablean> <Firestar> well if you click on the train itself while its moving it shows me like 738€/yr running costs
16:19:40  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> thats ok then
16:21:50  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> its cool, just making sure :)
16:22:06  <Stablean> <Firestar> is there no other engines available right now? some better ones?
16:22:21  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> nope just the 2
16:22:35  <Stablean> <Firestar> whats the second one?
16:22:54  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> pretty much the same as the first but lower TN
16:23:02  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> same speed
16:23:44  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> tractions rubbish lol
16:25:07  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> yeah its good better then when i started lol
16:25:49  <Stablean> <Firestar> did ya take a look at "Gera am Main Height" station?
16:26:01  <Stablean> <Firestar> that one was my first station
16:26:23  <Stablean> <Firestar> just not splitted
16:26:37  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> was it i dont even remeber my first game was that long ago
16:26:52  <Stablean> <Firestar> didnt ya save it?
16:27:23  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> no i have change computers since
16:28:16  <Mazur> The universal engine is a method, useless as an actual engine, to aid transition to a different railtype, for those people who desire such an engine for such a transition.
16:28:23  <Stablean> <Firestar> well ya could just copy your first game on a USB-Stick and then just paste it into the new "save" order
16:29:26  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> oh i see kinda makes sense thanks
16:29:29  <Stablean> <Firestar> only good thing at the unversal engine: it gets never old
16:31:41  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> sure why not  :)
16:31:57  <Stablean> <Firestar> well then its IRC-time again
16:32:24  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> ok give me a min
16:32:37  <Stablean> <Firestar> ill be right back
16:32:40  <Stablean> *** Firestar has left the game (leaving)
16:33:04  *** Firestar has joined #openttdcoop.stable
16:35:33  <Stablean> *** Firestar joined the game
16:37:30  *** ARyan has joined #openttdcoop.stable
16:37:37  <ARyan> :)
16:37:50  <Firestar>
16:38:07  <Firestar> town names this time in hungarian
16:39:19  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> got it will take a look in a bit
16:39:26  <Stablean> <Firestar> k
16:39:48  <Stablean> <Firestar> just dont get confused if you dont understand the town names
16:39:58  <Stablean> <Firestar> theyre all hungarian
16:40:04  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> ok cool
16:40:15  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> thanks
16:40:26  <Stablean> <Firestar> np
16:41:56  <Stablean> <Firestar> trains are suffering! :D
16:42:26  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> i know will just have to wait untill a better engine comes
16:42:56  <Sylf> 1932, i think?
16:43:08  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> cool not far off
16:43:26  <Stablean> <Firestar> eh only just 3 1/2 years
16:44:21  <Stablean> <Firestar> Sunton has three water towers
16:44:28  <Stablean> <Firestar> *Sunnton
16:44:58  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> lol
16:45:17  <Stablean> <Firestar> and theres a farm there too
16:46:15  <Stablean> <Firestar> Chatfield has two banks
16:47:59  <Stablean> <Firestar> Grudibngbury has got three water towers too XD
16:48:30  <Stablean> <Firestar> LOL!!!!
16:49:56  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> lol water water everywhere
16:49:56  <Firestar> hey Sylf how did you manage to get five water towers in one town?
16:50:32  <Stablean> <Firestar> flintfinghill, Wredwood both three water towers
16:50:58  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> tabourne cross also has 5 lol
16:51:20  <Stablean> <Firestar> i dont know how someone could need so much water
16:51:52  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> never have to much
16:52:02  <Stablean> <Firestar> or you can drown
16:52:14  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> well there is that
16:56:56  <Stablean> <Firestar> well see ya all later
16:56:58  <Stablean> *** Firestar has left the game (leaving)
16:57:04  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> laters
16:57:04  *** Firestar has quit IRC
17:00:22  <Sylf> water tower situation is very common
17:01:56  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> looks funny
17:04:19  <Sylf> psg191 was kinda rediculous in that regard
17:05:02  <Sylf> there were so many water towers in the main town
17:05:28  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> do waters close down?
17:05:57  <Sylf> nope
17:06:21  <Sylf> just like power stations and toy shops
17:06:28  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> i see
17:16:45  <Mark> !rcon set wagon_speed_limits
17:16:45  <Stablean> Mark: Current value for 'wagon_speed_limits' is: 'off' (min: 0, max: 1)
17:17:04  <Stablean> *** Mark joined the game
17:17:07  <Stablean> <Mark> 'lo
17:17:17  <Stablean> <Mark> oooh subtrop
17:17:21  <Stablean> <Mark> been a while
17:18:46  <Stablean> *** Mark has started a new company (#3)
17:21:14  <Stablean> *** chester has joined company #3
17:30:43  <Stablean> *** Firestar joined the game
17:33:55  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable
17:33:55  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM
17:40:55  <Stablean> *** Mark has joined spectators
17:40:55  <Stablean> *** Mark has started a new company (#4)
17:41:05  <Mark> !rcon reset_company 3
17:41:05  <Stablean> Mark: ERROR: Cannot remove company: a client is connected to that company.
17:41:05  <Stablean> Mark: - Remove an idle company from the game. Usage: 'reset_company <company-id>'
17:41:05  <Stablean> Mark: - For company-id's, see the list of companies from the dropdown menu. Company 1 is 1, etc.
17:41:22  <Mark> !players
17:41:24  <Stablean> Mark: Client 849 (Green) is chester, in company 3 (Mark Transport)
17:41:24  <Stablean> Mark: Client 850 is Big_Meech, a spectator
17:41:24  <Stablean> Mark: Client 857 (Orange) is Speedy, in company 1 (Cundhall Transport)
17:41:24  <Stablean> Mark: Client 861 (Red) is A.Ryan, in company 2 (A.Ryan Transport)
17:41:24  <Stablean> Mark: Client 882 (Blue) is Mark, in company 4 (Unnamed)
17:41:26  <Stablean> Mark: Client 886 is Firestar, a spectator
17:41:33  <Mark> !rcon move 849 225
17:41:33  <Stablean> Mark: Company does not exist. Company-id must be between 1 and 15.
17:41:36  <Mark> !rcon move 849 255
17:41:37  <Stablean> Mark: ‎*** chester has joined spectators
17:41:39  <Mark> !rcon reset_company 3
17:41:39  <Stablean> Mark: Company deleted.
17:42:02  <Stablean> *** Firestar has started a new company (#3)
17:42:08  <Stablean> *** Firestar has joined spectators
17:42:35  <planetmaker> ! why did you move chester to spec and deleted his company, Mark?
17:42:41  <planetmaker> ! even when you started it...
17:42:53  <planetmaker> ! like 3 minutes prior to him joining it... any reason?
17:44:47  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> nope not yet
17:45:37  <Stablean> *** MasterFaster has started a new company (#3)
17:45:40  <Stablean> *** MasterFaster joined the game
17:46:33  <Stablean> *** nicfer joined the game
17:47:18  <Stablean> *** nicfer has started a new company (#5)
17:48:51  <Stablean> <Firestar> hi MasterFaster
17:49:00  <Stablean> <Firestar> hi nicfer
17:49:03  <Stablean> <MasterFaster> hi
17:49:53  <Stablean> <Firestar> will you service the 3 water towers from Sunnton A.Ryan?
17:50:43  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> what do you man
17:50:49  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> mean
17:51:11  <Stablean> <Firestar> never mind
17:51:37  <Stablean> <nicfer> lol, 5-tile suspension steel bridge costing 37
17:52:15  <Stablean> <Mark> yeah, cheaper to bridge farmland than to go through it
17:52:43  <Stablean> <Firestar> going through farmland is always expensive thats why i hate it
17:57:09  <planetmaker> !rcon debuglevel
17:57:10  <Stablean> planetmaker: Current debug-level: 'driver=0, grf=0, map=0, misc=0, net=0, sprite=0, oldloader=0, npf=0, yapf=0, freetype=0, script=0, sl=0, gamelog=0, desync=3, console=0'
17:58:38  <Stablean> <Firestar> and theres a new rubber plantation right near Marks lines
17:59:18  <Stablean> <Mark> yay
17:59:48  <Stablean> <Firestar> and a pretty good one too
17:59:58  <Stablean> <Mark> yeah fresh ones always are
17:59:58  <Stablean> <Firestar> 120,000 liiters per month
18:00:38  <Stablean> <Firestar> lol 14 seconds no data received
18:00:45  <Stablean> <Mark> yea...
18:00:46  *** Chris_Booth[ph] has joined #openttdcoop.stable
18:01:50  <Chris_Booth[ph]> Hi!
18:01:57  <Stablean> <Firestar> i like how trains are looking with engines at both sides hi CB
18:01:59  <Stablean> <Mark> boothus
18:02:16  <Chris_Booth[ph]> Hi Markus
18:02:19  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> hi Chris
18:02:50  <Stablean> <Firestar> hows going dude?
18:04:27  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.stable
18:04:48  <Stablean> <Firestar> i just hope that there will be a new and better engine soon
18:05:05  <Stablean> <Mark> it'll take a while
18:05:08  <Stablean> <Mark> until 1956 i think
18:05:12  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> bump
18:05:13  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game
18:05:40  <Stablean> <Firestar> well sylf said there will be a new engine in 1932 but there wasnt
18:06:10  <Stablean> <Mark> we'll get that MJS or something soon i think
18:06:17  <Stablean> <Mark> but its not better than the kirby :P
18:06:32  <Stablean> <Firestar> or universal engine
18:06:46  <Stablean> <Firestar> has it got more TE?
18:06:56  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> lol @ New Montfield
18:07:04  <Stablean> <Firestar> i know
18:07:10  <Stablean> <Firestar> 5 water towers there
18:07:16  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has started a new company (#6)
18:08:20  <Stablean> <Firestar> CB take a look at tabourne cross
18:08:46  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> why?
18:09:09  <Stablean> <Firestar> theres the same like in new montfield
18:12:21  <Stablean> <Firestar> be right back
18:14:15  <Stablean> *** nicfer has left the game (leaving)
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18:17:06  <Stablean> *** nicfer joined the game
18:17:49  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (general timeout)
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18:20:51  <Stablean> *** Andy joined the game
18:22:15  <Stablean> *** Andy has started a new company (#7)
18:25:01  <Stablean> <Mark> these trains are a joke
18:25:03  <Stablean> *** nicfer has left the game (general timeout)
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18:25:14  <Stablean> <Firestar> whatya mean?
18:25:24  <Stablean> <Speedy> then replace 'em =P
18:25:32  <Stablean> <Mark> my ML is full already cause theyre so slow
18:25:38  <Stablean> <Mark> ah
18:25:41  <Stablean> <Mark> good point :)
18:25:47  <Stablean> <Firestar> with what if theres no better ones?
18:25:53  <Stablean> <Mark> there is
18:25:59  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> theres a new engine out
18:26:13  <Stablean> <Speedy> 5 oldies left
18:26:29  <Stablean> <Mark> i dont have the money for it
18:26:45  <Stablean> <Firestar> when did it came out?
18:27:07  <Stablean> <Speedy> 1934
18:27:09  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> 1934
18:27:24  <Stablean> <Speedy> I had it since 33
18:27:46  <Stablean> <Firestar> good for you you had it for one year testing
18:27:52  <Stablean> <Mark> yeah thats better
18:28:14  <Stablean> <Firestar> much better
18:28:14  <Stablean> <Speedy> how do you set Service to nearest depot available?
18:28:32  <Stablean> <Mark> as in conditional orders?
18:28:58  <Stablean> <Speedy> new engine, again :D
18:29:08  <Stablean> <Firestar> Ginzu A3?
18:29:10  <Stablean> <Mark> which one
18:29:24  <Stablean> <Speedy> A4
18:29:34  <Stablean> <Mark> oh well
18:29:38  <Stablean> <Mark> i'll just replace again next year
18:29:56  <Stablean> <Firestar> if you have the money for it
18:30:04  <Stablean> <Mark> got plenty
18:30:23  <Stablean> <Firestar> well when theres a new RV you should replace them too
18:30:33  <Stablean> <Firestar> when its the right one of course
18:32:07  <Stablean> <Firestar> i think your ML will have more space now
18:33:15  <Stablean> *** nicfer joined the game
18:34:08  <Stablean> <Firestar> some of your trains arent replacing
18:34:17  <Stablean> <Mark> because i dont have enough money
18:34:37  <Stablean> <Firestar> and you said youve got planty
18:37:03  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen has started a new company (#8)
18:37:06  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen joined the game
18:37:07  <Stablean> <Leon Mergen> hi
18:37:09  <Stablean> <Firestar> hi
18:37:09  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> hi
18:48:41  *** TWerkhoven has quit IRC
18:51:20  <Stablean> <Firestar> cya all later
18:51:23  <Stablean> <Leon Mergen> bb
18:51:26  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> bye
18:51:32  <Stablean> *** Firestar has left the game (leaving)
19:06:26  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> lol sorry
19:06:39  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> do want you want i will build round you
19:08:06  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game
19:08:08  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.stable
19:08:18  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> oh ******
19:10:53  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I forgot to refit my trains
19:15:59  <Stablean> *** MasterFaster has left the game (leaving)
19:17:32  <planetmaker> !url
19:17:32  <Stablean> planetmaker:
19:17:50  <planetmaker> Chris_Booth: let them auto-refit ;-)
19:18:06  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> planetmaker how about no
19:18:28  <Stablean> <Leon Mergen> urgh
19:18:38  <Stablean> <Leon Mergen> now i forgot to refit too
19:18:46  <Stablean> <Speedy> :-D
19:19:36  <Stablean> <nicfer> it's strange that tankers carry rubber by default
19:20:10  <Stablean> <Leon Mergen> yeah same problem
19:22:05  <Stablean> *** Kejhic joined the game
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19:25:31  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen has left the game (general timeout)
19:25:31  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen has left the game (connection lost)
19:25:53  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> whats it with people going bankrupt?
19:26:16  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (general timeout)
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19:26:42  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game
19:30:11  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> someone needs to invent laptop that don't go flat
19:36:40  <Stablean> *** Firestar joined the game
19:36:55  <Stablean> <Firestar> hows going?
19:38:30  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (general timeout)
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19:44:05  <Stablean> *** nicfer has left the game (leaving)
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19:46:27  <Stablean> *** happy tran sport joined the game
19:46:30  <Stablean> <Firestar> hi happy
19:46:34  <Stablean> <happy tran sport>  hi
19:47:03  <Stablean> <happy tran sport> on a  server
19:47:45  <Stablean> <happy tran sport>  it is the won  that has   8 comperney on it
19:48:03  <Stablean> <happy tran sport>  but the game has gon slow now
19:48:10  <Stablean> <Firestar> hey Ryan there might be a better armoured truck there
19:48:36  <Stablean> <Firestar> whats the server name?
19:49:06  <Stablean> <happy tran sport>  i dont no    but it has no grf in it
19:49:27  <Stablean> <Firestar> there are lot of servers w/o any grfs
19:49:57  <Stablean> <happy tran sport>  i will get the name  in a minte
19:52:24  <Stablean> <happy tran sport> be backe in  a minte
19:54:17  <Stablean> <happy tran sport>  ok i am going to get the name now be backe  in  a minte
19:54:20  <Stablean> *** happy tran sport has left the game (leaving)
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19:57:07  <Stablean> <happy tran sportgem>  yes
19:59:30  <Stablean> <happy tran sportgem>  yep but i have a ver good tran sport on it  and  i can not finich on it
20:00:56  <Stablean> <Firestar> i think im gonna come some time to the server
20:01:24  <Stablean> <happy tran sportgem>  but it is  nice to be on this won
20:01:24  <Stablean> <happy tran sportgem>  ok
20:02:46  <Stablean> <Firestar> be backe in a min
20:03:21  *** TWerkhoven[l] has quit IRC
20:05:17  *** Joosta has joined #openttdcoop.stable
20:05:52  <Stablean> <Firestar> backe
20:05:54  <Stablean> <happy tran sportgem>  ok
20:06:09  *** TWerkhoven[l] has joined #openttdcoop.stable
20:09:08  <Stablean> <happy tran sportgem>  i be backe in a minte i just going to try on  a server  that i  being playing on
20:09:11  <Stablean> *** happy tran sportgem has left the game (leaving)
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20:09:42  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game
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20:10:23  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> Chris?
20:11:31  <Stablean> *** happy tran sportgem joined the game
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20:52:33  <Stablean> *** happy tran sport joined the game
20:54:01  <Stablean> <happy tran sport>  how much dus the tran trake cose
20:57:24  <Stablean> *** happy tran sport has left the game (leaving)
21:02:40  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.stable
21:02:41  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game
21:02:49  <Stablean> *** RobertBM joined the game
21:03:10  <Stablean> <Leon Mergen> i hate this climate
21:03:24  <Stablean> <Leon Mergen> towns are so high-maintenance to grow :)
21:04:16  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> thats fun
21:04:38  <Stablean> <Leon Mergen> yeah it's a different style than what i'm used to
21:05:00  <Stablean> *** RobertBM has started a new company (#3)
21:05:32  <Stablean> <Leon Mergen> guess i should just piggyback on the towns that you guys deliver the food & water to :)
21:05:59  <Stablean> *** Leon Mergen has left the game (leaving)
21:14:19  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> these A4 look cool when they are TL3 with 1 loco at the front + 1 at the back
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21:28:14  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> people don't mind me taking that area of land?
21:29:24  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> i dont lol
21:29:44  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Well I am going to have fun then!
21:29:55  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> lol
21:30:05  <Stablean> <Speedy> Purple rain, purpe rain
21:31:07  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> how over engineered are my lines!
21:31:50  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> veryl :)
21:32:29  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> mines just a spagetti mess
21:32:39  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> That is the idea
21:33:13  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Diamond mines are rubish
21:33:25  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> only 32bags
21:33:27  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> lol why
21:33:59  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> i have 90
21:34:05  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> your lucky
21:34:29  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> and 2 72s
21:35:27  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> you got lots of water tho
21:35:41  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yep
21:36:00  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Liquid gold
21:36:19  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> got some oil aswell
21:36:23  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> does my town really need 3 banks
21:36:53  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yes, it is the Iceland of this map :P
21:36:59  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> lol
21:37:59  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> leon?
21:38:09  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> not here
21:38:13  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> poo
21:43:57  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> URail is exensive
21:44:23  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> yeah and slow
21:44:25  <Stablean> *** chester has left the game (leaving)
21:44:49  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I am not fussed about speed
21:45:11  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> as long as it is cheap
21:45:17  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> yeah but 30kmh lol
21:46:07  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> A.Ryan: why do you only use 1 loco?
21:46:57  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> its cheaper
21:47:07  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> but they are slow :P
21:47:33  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> on my hills i  guess
21:47:41  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> and never reach top speed
21:48:17  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> does it increase traction?
21:48:23  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yes look at mine
21:49:07  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> they are like F1 trains compared to your Toyota Yaris Trains :P
21:49:13  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> uhmm, not sure i can be bothered to add trains onto them all lol
21:49:27  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> lol thanks
21:49:49  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> could have been worse, they could have been 2CV trains
21:50:04  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> lol they were at the start
21:50:39  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> i dont suppose there is a quick way to add trains on is there
21:50:45  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no
21:50:53  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> thought as much
21:50:57  <Stablean> <Andy> clone
21:51:15  <Stablean> <Andy>  on depot there is a clone button
21:51:21  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> there is a trick to catching empty ones
21:51:28  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> then just clone new ones
21:51:31  <Stablean> <Andy> click it on the train you want to copy
21:51:49  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> yeah i no i mean to add another train to an exsisting one
21:51:56  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> not quite A.Ryan
21:51:58  <Stablean> <Andy> hold down ctrl if you want shared orders]
21:52:38  <Stablean> *** Matt joined the game
21:52:40  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi Matt
21:52:54  <Stablean> <Matt> hey
21:53:00  <Stablean> <Matt> long time no chat :D
21:53:14  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> A.Ryan: check !train catcher
21:53:24  <Stablean> <Matt> its Matt from clanmega... remember? :D
21:53:36  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I remember clan mega
21:53:38  <Stablean> <Matt> the site that died off but ran realworld maps
21:53:41  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> not you though Matt
21:53:47  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> but hi anyway!
21:53:53  <Stablean> <Matt> lol its okay hello :D
21:54:15  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I used to like the IS2 games
21:54:33  <Stablean> <Matt> same. unfortunantlly clanmega is dead.. :l
21:54:35  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> but don't think anyone has Cargodest + IS2 anymore
21:54:43  <Stablean> <Matt> i still do. :D
21:54:57  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Blame PeterT
21:55:23  <Stablean> <Matt> i should but lemme just guess why you say blame him.
21:55:33  <Stablean> <Matt> besides him just being a planout d-bag ...
21:55:39  <Stablean> <Matt> *plainout
21:55:53  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> lol
21:56:19  <Stablean> <Matt> hard to think a 13 y/o could be that well... awful lol :D
21:56:43  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> it isn't when I know how bad I was at 13
21:56:58  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> but I didn't play online games
21:57:10  <Stablean> <Matt> i wasnt i was a pretty good kid at 13... albeit im only 17 now xD
21:57:31  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> lol I am still a D-Bag at 21
21:57:42  <Stablean> <Matt> im just crazy :3
21:58:41  <V453000> how is PeterT related to that ? :o
21:58:53  <Stablean> <Matt> related to what?
21:58:58  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> PeterT got banned in ClanMega
21:59:08  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> or me being a D-Bag?
21:59:41  <V453000> I just dont understand what do you blame him for :)
21:59:54  <Stablean> <Matt> he didnt get banned. we really couldnt :l he created what i like to call gameday 2 or what everyone else calls IS+CDest... so we couldnt just ban him when he compiled that code for us.
22:00:20  <Stablean> <Matt> thats kinda the reason he got admin status
22:00:26  <Stablean> <Matt> then all hell broke loose.
22:00:53  <V453000> oh right
22:00:55  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> V I can blame PeterT for everything
22:01:01  <Stablean> <Matt> regardless the server and forum are dead unfortunantlly.
22:02:07  <Chris_Booth> Like you can blame me for everything :P
22:03:34  <Stablean> <Matt> time to blame peter for everything! lol :D
22:05:44  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Alas no more PeterT has left us
22:06:24  <Stablean> <Matt> he has? where is he now??? lol
22:06:42  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> not a clue just know he is no longer on
22:06:45  <V453000> I believe he has a ban here
22:07:14  <V453000> or several bans :D
22:07:41  <Stablean> <Matt> damn. the last place to take him in banned him lol
22:07:52  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no we didn't
22:07:58  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> he Banned himself
22:08:17  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> IIRC he used @Kbanme
22:08:32  <Stablean> <Matt> ....why would he?
22:08:34  <Stablean> <Matt> lmao
22:11:30  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> If only we knew that, then we might know why he was broken
22:15:08  <Stablean> <Matt> what do u mean by broken? like loco en la cabesa? lol
22:15:18  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> lol
22:16:16  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> you remeber Luca Matt?
22:16:22  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> or Lucas maybe
22:16:29  <Stablean> <Matt> Lucas. and yeah
22:16:35  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> he was really broken and he turned up in coop
22:16:50  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> he got banned by V453000 IIRC
22:16:52  <Stablean> <Matt> define what you mean by broken..
22:17:00  <Stablean> <Matt> like crazy or just plain stupid?
22:17:07  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> plain stupid
22:17:29  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> would build the same rubish even though he knew it wouldn't work
22:17:31  <Stablean> <Matt> lol oh. well.... i was in the hopsital for a few weeks like about a month ago so yeah :/
22:17:38  <Stablean> <Matt> id rather not say :/
22:18:03  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> why where you in the hospital?
22:18:10  <Stablean> <Matt> "id rather not say" >.> lol
22:18:17  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> you bought it up
22:18:23  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> you have to say now :P
22:18:29  <Stablean> <Matt> ugh fine... uhhhh i went crazy lmao :D
22:19:41  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> oooh maybe I should not have called everyone broken
22:19:51  <Stablean> <Matt> .....yeah.
22:20:05  <Stablean> <Matt> not crazy like.... well yeah kinda bad i was cutting myself :l
22:21:53  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Hmm I feel a jam coming on
22:22:23  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> on toast
22:22:33  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> nope on my network
22:22:47  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I think Plinborough Bay is gunna get busy
22:23:01  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> i think i have a jam
22:24:11  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> you have bad signal gaps there
22:24:18  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> that is causing your jam
22:24:58  <Stablean> *** Firestar joined the game
22:25:17  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> wb Firestar
22:25:20  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> yeah i still dont understand them
22:25:30  <Stablean> <Firestar> thx
22:25:30  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> just spam signals
22:26:48  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> i blaming you lol
22:26:52  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> me?
22:27:06  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> was fine untill i used double trains :P
22:27:21  <Stablean> <Firestar> who else could be blamed on this server?
22:27:31  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no one
22:30:43  <Stablean> <Firestar> well then cya all tomorrow guys
22:30:47  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> bb Firestar
22:30:47  <Stablean> *** Firestar has left the game (leaving)
22:31:19  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> i think i filed the gaps
22:32:51  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> i think i just need a better station layout
22:33:05  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yep
22:33:39  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> you have a big gap on the eixt
22:33:53  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> can I fix it?
22:34:07  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> sure i rubbish
22:34:13  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> password?
22:34:31  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined company #2
22:35:10  <V453000> iklucas got unbanned
22:35:29  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> he did?
22:35:51  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined company #6
22:35:55  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> that will help A.Ryan
22:36:09  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> thanks mate
22:36:11  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> np
22:36:37  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I guess if I can get unbanned, so can anyone
22:39:47  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> thats all the industry in my area
22:40:54  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> you might need to extand then lol
22:41:20  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I have plans for Pax
22:41:34  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> i see
22:42:36  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> why does it seem i have more trains running now then before lol
22:42:50  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> production increase
22:42:57  <Stablean> *** Matt has left the game (leaving)
22:43:51  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> yeah i am having to sell some trains now tho i do have to many
22:44:41  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Mark: you have tomany trains
22:44:48  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> they jam your ML
22:47:57  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> anyone wany to buy me?
22:48:07  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> yeah i will
22:48:14  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> then come join me
22:48:25  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I am off now and have work tomorrow
22:48:27  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> lol
22:48:38  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> and I guess it will be a new game by the time I play nexgt
22:48:40  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> oh ok
22:50:38  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I will leave mt company as a temple XD
22:50:52  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> lol
22:51:14  <Stablean> <Andy> Hello robertBM
22:51:41  <Stablean> <Andy> Can you put bridges over the roads of mine you are building railways across please
22:52:47  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Andy: please don't do that
22:52:57  <Stablean> <Andy> please leave more room
22:53:04  <Stablean> <Andy> i will expand this
22:53:06  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> RobertBM: please build bridges over Andy's roads
22:53:12  <Stablean> <Andy> plus please put bridges over my road
22:53:14  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I know Andy
22:54:32  <Stablean> <Andy> I am planning a double line here which will not work if he does a single bridge
22:54:51  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> again I know
22:55:22  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has requested an admin. (Note: Admin will read back on irc, so please do already write down your request, no need to wait.)
22:55:27  <Mazur> Yes?
22:55:33  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi Mazur
22:55:39  <Mazur> Hi, CB.
22:55:45  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> we have a player who plans to run peoples RVs over
22:55:59  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> even though they have been asked to build a bridge
22:56:28  <Mazur> On my way.
22:56:37  <Ammler> :-)
22:56:50  <Ammler> he should build a bridge
22:56:59  <Stablean> *** Mazur joined the game
22:57:13  <Stablean> <Speedy> I should've bought him out.
22:57:21  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yep
22:57:26  <Stablean> <Mazur> RobertBM: Are you paying any attention?
22:57:34  <Stablean> <RobertBM> yes
22:57:42  <Stablean> <A.Ryan> yeah i was going to as well but thought not
22:57:58  <Ammler> but if the RV guy is online, telling him that he will lose his RVs is ok, isn't?
22:58:00  <Stablean> <Mazur> Then work _with_ hte other players, and bnuild a bridge there.
22:58:36  <Stablean> <RobertBM> ther is no train and dont have the money for brige
22:58:38  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> and please don't build tracks inside someones junctions
22:59:05  <Stablean> <RobertBM> thas a line i'm bildin for 3 year now
22:59:09  <Stablean> <Mazur> Definately never build tracks inside someone elses junction.
22:59:16  <Stablean> <RobertBM> kj
22:59:40  <Stablean> *** A.Ryan has left the game (leaving)
22:59:44  *** ARyan has quit IRC
22:59:50  <Stablean> <Mazur> Have you read the !rules?
23:00:05  <Stablean> <RobertBM> nope
23:00:15  <Stablean> <Mazur> Then do so, now.
23:00:27  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> please do so now
23:00:55  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> also have some money to move your line XD
23:01:13  <Stablean> <RobertBM> tks
23:01:19  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> RobertBM: please don't build there
23:01:29  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> that is Andy's junction
23:01:35  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> what if he needs to expand?\
23:01:37  <Stablean> <RobertBM> where??
23:02:07  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> please go sounth of Tabourne Cross if you are building there
23:02:10  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> so Andy has room
23:02:17  <Stablean> <RobertBM> and where shoul my line go??
23:03:08  <Stablean> *** RobertBM has left the game (leaving)
23:03:25  <Stablean> <Mazur> Can you handle things now, CB?  If I need to intervene, jsut call me again.
23:03:35  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> can you clean his company
23:03:37  <Stablean> *** RobertBM has left the game (connection lost)
23:03:45  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I don't think he will be back
23:03:47  <Stablean> <Andy> thanks robert
23:03:57  <Stablean> *** RobertBM joined the game
23:04:01  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> wb RobertBM
23:04:09  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> can you follow my signs I have left you
23:04:25  <Stablean> <Mazur> I'll leave that for when it becomes so, CB.
23:04:47  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> thanks RobertBM
23:04:49  <Stablean> <RobertBM> tks
23:04:55  <Stablean> *** Mazur has left the game (connection lost)
23:05:07  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> now everyone is happy
23:05:23  <Mazur> I'm playing FreeCol atm, myself.
23:05:36  <Stablean> <Andy> just the bridge in my junction to go
23:05:46  *** ODM has quit IRC
23:06:10  <Stablean> <Andy> thanks#
23:08:42  <Stablean> <Andy> when are the electrics and diesels coming in?
23:08:56  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> 70's and 80's
23:09:24  <Stablean> <Andy> they're not very clever then, this country
23:09:38  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> nope they are like mexico
23:09:45  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> or cuba
23:10:23  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> but they can make nice A4's
23:10:29  <Stablean> *** RobertBM has left the game (leaving)
23:11:13  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> is that line okay now Andy?
23:11:23  <Stablean> <Andy> sure
23:11:37  <Stablean> <Andy> i am sitting here working and not paying attention
23:11:57  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> i am off then
23:11:59  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> nn all
23:12:02  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
23:12:22  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
23:27:27  <Stablean> *** Deep Visitor GER joined the game
23:35:49  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#9)
23:35:51  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
23:36:35  <Stablean> <Player> how do i change my name
23:37:41  <Stablean> <Player> /rules
23:37:56  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
23:51:35  <Stablean> *** Deep Visitor GER has left the game (leaving)

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