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00:03:59 <Stablean> *** Matt joined the game 00:05:57 <Stablean> *** Matt has left the game (leaving) 00:14:49 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 00:14:52 <Stablean> <V453000> ellow 00:15:02 <Stablean> <pav> hi :) 00:15:04 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> neeccap 00:15:13 <BiG_MeEcH> cello 00:16:16 <Stablean> <V453000> no big networks yet? :( 00:16:50 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> only yours 00:17:24 <Stablean> <V453000> wha? :d 00:22:11 <Stablean> *** pav has left the game (connection lost) 00:22:45 <Stablean> *** destro joined the game 00:25:46 <Stablean> *** pav joined the game 00:31:02 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (leaving) 00:32:11 <Stablean> *** Cameron has joined spectators 00:33:44 <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined spectators 00:41:21 <Stablean> *** nicfer joined the game 00:42:20 <Stablean> *** nicfer has joined company #3 00:58:02 <Stablean> <pav> destro do you need finance ? 00:58:17 <Stablean> <destro> i could use a little help, yes 00:58:37 <Stablean> <destro> ty 00:58:43 <Stablean> <pav> np 01:06:57 <Stablean> *** pav has left the game (leaving) 01:31:09 <Stablean> *** destro has left the game (leaving) 01:37:23 <Stablean> *** destro joined the game 01:44:48 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 01:48:16 <Stablean> *** destro has left the game (leaving) 01:51:26 <Stablean> *** destro joined the game 02:05:18 <Stablean> *** destro has left the game (leaving) 02:07:02 <Stablean> *** nicfer has left the game (leaving) 02:16:36 <Stablean> *** Phillip joined the game 02:16:49 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> hello P 02:17:00 <Stablean> <Phillip> Hi people. 02:17:23 <Stablean> <Phillip> Or whatever living thing you are. Or robot. 02:17:38 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> I think Krunchyal is a robot xD 02:18:17 <Stablean> <Phillip> Say "hello" if human. 02:18:19 <Stablean> <Phillip> hello 02:18:31 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> hi 02:18:49 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> I am a robot 02:19:07 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> Hear my joints squeak 02:20:33 <Stablean> <Phillip> If only openttd has mics for multiplayer, I would suggest you take out your mic and let everyone hear your joints squeak. 02:20:47 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> they are very rusted 02:20:55 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> i cant afford the oil =[ 02:21:08 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> Being a robot sucks 02:21:14 <Stablean> <Phillip> So they converted you to electric? 02:21:37 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> I am mostly hydraulic 02:23:23 <Stablean> <Phillip> Plastic surgery must be harsh for for you robots. 02:23:49 <Stablean> <Phillip> Delete the first "for". 02:23:51 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> blow torches are a bitch 02:25:54 <Stablean> <Phillip> If you can't afford oil, then sneak up at a oil pump in openttd and get thousands of liters of it. 02:26:09 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> good idea 02:27:29 <Stablean> *** destro joined the game 02:27:37 <Stablean> <Phillip> Hello destro. 02:27:47 <Stablean> <destro> hello 02:31:37 <Stablean> <Phillip> It makes me mad when I see 45 degree turns in train lines. 02:35:30 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> you mean 90 ? 02:35:39 <Stablean> <Phillip> yes 02:35:46 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> im confused xD 02:36:12 <Stablean> <Phillip> If only spectators could put signs... :( 02:36:34 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> make a comp 02:36:46 <Stablean> <Phillip> And let the comp die? 02:36:54 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> yea' 02:37:01 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> signs will become grey 02:37:04 <Stablean> *** Phillip has started a new company (#8) 02:37:13 <Stablean> <Phillip> yay! 02:37:36 <Stablean> <Phillip> I'll mark the sharp turns with !here 02:37:54 <Stablean> <Phillip> I'm gray anyways. 02:38:16 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> maybe you could show destro how to build better =D 02:38:50 <Stablean> <destro> i could use the help 02:38:52 <Stablean> <Phillip> destro: Are you a new player? 02:38:54 <Stablean> <Phillip> ok 02:38:56 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> not the worst ive ever seen 02:39:07 <Stablean> <destro> i'm new here 02:39:17 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> we're all new once =D 02:39:35 <Stablean> <Phillip> I learned from staring at other people's tracks. 02:39:43 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> basically, the problem is Destro, with those tight curves, the train can't keep its speed up 02:40:01 <Stablean> <Phillip> speed=more money for you! 02:40:09 <Stablean> <destro> oh 02:40:20 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> well maybe not in his case since each one is an individual line 02:40:42 <Stablean> <Phillip> Point to point system. 02:40:58 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> wouldnt matter nearly as much 02:41:17 <Stablean> <destro> trees make it so i cant se 02:41:43 <Stablean> <Phillip> use transparancy options. 02:42:41 <Stablean> <Phillip> Hold down the mouse to the gear in the menu bar and release it when you find it. 02:43:32 <Stablean> <destro> thanks for the tip...i see it now 02:51:39 <Stablean> <Phillip> destro, what is your password? 02:51:48 <Stablean> <destro> bottle 02:51:54 <Stablean> *** Phillip has joined company #7 02:52:23 <Stablean> <Phillip> We got a lot of work to do destro. 02:52:33 <Stablean> <destro> haha 02:53:07 <Stablean> <destro> i've built networks on my own, but never like this coop 02:55:16 <Stablean> <Phillip> Sometimes you will have to do sharp curves. 02:56:00 <Stablean> <destro> well, with all the trees gone i can see now 03:00:54 <Stablean> <destro> so speed equals cash? 03:01:20 <Stablean> <Phillip> And distance. 03:01:28 <Stablean> <Phillip> Read my warning. 03:01:30 <Stablean> <destro> right 03:05:24 <Stablean> <destro> brb 03:09:50 <Stablean> <destro> do stations havr to touch to transfer? 03:09:56 <Stablean> <Phillip> no 03:10:14 <Stablean> <destro> oh damn 03:10:46 <Stablean> <Phillip> It's called station walking. You have to put tiny stations before the real one. 03:10:56 <Stablean> <Phillip> Or else it will get another name. 03:11:06 <Stablean> <destro> i see 03:13:55 <Stablean> *** Diablo joined the game 03:14:22 <Stablean> <Diablo> hi all 03:14:32 <Stablean> <destro> hi 03:14:34 <Stablean> <Phillip> Hi Diablo. 03:17:25 <Stablean> *** Diablo has started a new company (#8) 03:18:05 <Stablean> <Phillip> destro, do you see that new train line I made. 03:18:11 <Stablean> <destro> yes 03:18:25 <Stablean> <destro> why the different looking stations? 03:18:39 <Stablean> <Phillip> That is the minimum distance from coal to power that I normally use. 03:18:49 <Stablean> <destro> i see 03:18:51 <Stablean> <Phillip> I like the different designs. 03:19:02 <Stablean> <destro> ok 03:20:18 <Stablean> <Phillip> I'm not building any trains because we don't have enough money. 03:20:37 <Stablean> <destro> loan? 03:20:44 <Stablean> <Phillip> no 03:21:04 <Stablean> <destro> why not? interest? 03:21:10 <Stablean> <Phillip> yes 03:21:20 <Stablean> <Phillip> And we have to pay back later. 03:21:20 <Stablean> <destro> k 03:22:03 <Stablean> <Phillip> Maybe loan for one train. But no spending until pay back loan. 03:22:21 <Stablean> <destro> right 03:27:29 <Stablean> <Phillip> When we use the polybulk hoppers, we need to refit the train, by clicking on the train, then clicking on the 2 boxes and press on coal or whatever cargo you need to refit to. 03:27:47 <Stablean> <Phillip> You can refit on others too. 03:27:49 <Stablean> <destro> right 03:28:00 <Stablean> <Phillip> You know this already? 03:28:06 <Stablean> <destro> yes 03:28:16 <Stablean> <Phillip> ok 03:28:47 <Stablean> <destro> it's my networking/building that needs help 03:29:53 <Stablean> <Phillip> I got that covered. Almost everything is in my insurance. (me helping people) 03:42:52 <Stablean> <Diablo> thanks phil 03:43:02 <Stablean> <Phillip> ,000 for you Diablo. 03:43:21 <Stablean> <Phillip> I messed up typing that a few times. 03:43:55 <Stablean> <Phillip> Another load of cash. ;) 03:45:14 <Stablean> <destro> thanks for all the help 03:45:40 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> looking good guys 03:45:40 <Stablean> <Phillip> Of donating money yeah. 03:45:51 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> yo uneed more $ ? 03:46:05 <Stablean> <Phillip> Diablo does. 03:46:12 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> he does 03:46:16 <Stablean> <Phillip> I'm fine and prospering. 03:46:34 <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined company #2 03:46:48 <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined spectators 03:47:01 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> be back 03:47:08 <Stablean> <Diablo> tanks 03:47:30 <Stablean> <Phillip> Lol ,000,000. 03:47:48 <Stablean> <Phillip> 1,000,000 atually. 03:47:52 <Stablean> <Diablo> almost enough forr m to survive for 6 yrs 03:49:22 <Stablean> <Phillip> I did most of the upgrading for this comp. 03:49:48 <Stablean> <destro> when does the welcome server reset? 03:50:10 <Stablean> <Phillip> About 2100- 2130. 03:50:24 <Stablean> <Phillip> Earlier if there's a problem. 03:50:32 <Stablean> <Phillip> Or request. 03:52:10 <Stablean> <Phillip> Diablo spends so much cash! 03:52:25 <Stablean> *** TACOS has started a new company (#9) 03:52:26 <Stablean> *** TACOS joined the game 03:52:46 <Stablean> <TACOS> fail 03:52:50 <Stablean> <Phillip> ,000,000+ spent in 1 year for Diablo. 03:53:00 <Stablean> <Phillip> I try link and it fail. 03:53:14 <Stablean> <Phillip> Hi TACOS. 03:58:50 <Stablean> <TACOS> wtf is the invisible leading engine? 03:59:12 <Stablean> <destro> dunno 03:59:28 <Stablean> <TACOS> imma try it 04:00:02 <Mazur> It's a placeholder for if you want to upgrade to double engine consists later. 04:00:08 <Stablean> <TACOS> ok 04:00:39 <Stablean> <TACOS> this is going to take forever 04:01:33 <Stablean> <TACOS> why dosen't this go 5000+ mph like the game said? 04:02:03 <Stablean> <TACOS> and i swore a single horse goes faster than 1 mph 04:02:45 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> dont use the invisible engine 04:03:07 <Stablean> <TACOS> i already set it to go to depot a minute ago and still waiting 04:03:18 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> it happens 04:03:26 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> its only used for adding additional engines i guess 04:03:28 <Stablean> <TACOS> thank god i didnt make that station 7 tiles long 04:04:58 <Stablean> <TACOS> Plundstone Factory no long accepts Livesstock or grain 04:05:00 <Stablean> <TACOS> -.- 04:05:11 <Stablean> <TACOS> i spent thousands making this railway 04:05:21 <Stablean> <TACOS> dammit, glodes 04:05:23 <Stablean> <TACOS> closed 04:05:41 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> good news is you still have 800,000 to build crap with 04:05:47 <Stablean> <TACOS> no 04:05:49 <Stablean> <TACOS> i have 33k 04:06:08 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> good news is you stil have 800,000 to do stuff with 04:06:24 <Stablean> <TACOS> unless your talking about including loands 04:06:26 <Stablean> <TACOS> loans 04:06:29 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> yes 04:06:35 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> use them 04:06:35 <Stablean> <TACOS> god im spelling bad today 04:07:53 <Stablean> <TACOS> i wonder how piplines work 04:08:48 <Stablean> <TACOS> ok, this is strange 04:09:06 <Stablean> <TACOS> default station 04:10:53 <Stablean> <Phillip> bye everyone 04:10:59 <Stablean> *** Phillip has joined spectators 04:11:03 <Stablean> *** Phillip has left the game (leaving) 04:11:05 <Stablean> <destro> thanks phil 04:12:21 <Stablean> <TACOS> trains are too expensive to run less i get one that goes 1mph 04:13:20 <Stablean> <Big_Meech> pipelines are nothing but a station tile 04:16:04 <Stablean> <TACOS> lol wrong train cars 04:21:24 <Stablean> <TACOS> are 90 degree turns allowed? 04:21:34 <Stablean> *** TACOS has left the game (leaving) 04:38:29 <Stablean> <destro> bye all 04:38:33 <Stablean> <Diablo> byr 04:38:40 <Stablean> *** destro has left the game (leaving) 04:38:44 <Stablean> <Diablo> ` 05:15:20 <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined company #2 05:16:34 <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined spectators 05:17:53 <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined company #2 05:18:02 <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined spectators 05:24:46 <Stablean> *** Diablo has left the game (leaving) 05:27:29 <Stablean> *** Diablo joined the game 05:59:50 <Stablean> *** Diablo has left the game (leaving) 06:03:55 <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined company #2 06:04:33 <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has joined spectators 06:18:37 <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has left the game (general timeout) 06:18:37 <Stablean> *** Big_Meech has left the game (connection lost) 06:20:29 <Stablean> *** Big Meech joined the game 06:20:49 <Stablean> *** Diablo joined the game 06:33:46 <Stablean> <Big Meech> re-hi 06:34:04 <Stablean> *** Big Meech has joined company #2 06:34:06 <Stablean> <Diablo> hi 06:34:37 <Stablean> <Diablo> im finally surviving on my 3 trains 06:37:07 <Stablean> <Big Meech> how are you Diablo ? 06:37:17 <Stablean> <Diablo> im good 06:37:23 <Stablean> <Diablo> u 06:37:29 <Stablean> <Big Meech> fine so far 06:37:43 <Stablean> <Diablo> finally starting to survive 06:38:11 <Stablean> <Diablo> TACO Transport is no more 06:52:59 <Stablean> <Big Meech> whoa, i just got the buy you out thingy diablo 06:53:15 <Stablean> <Big Meech> take out more loan 06:54:10 <Stablean> <Diablo> 0k to go 06:54:20 <Stablean> <Big Meech> lol 06:54:39 <Stablean> *** Big Meech has joined spectators 06:55:21 <Stablean> <Big Meech> hi Rom 06:55:21 <Stablean> *** ROM5419 joined the game 06:55:25 <Stablean> <ROM5419> hi 06:55:31 <Stablean> <ROM5419> melb was damn cold 06:56:05 <Stablean> *** Diablo has joined spectators 06:56:10 <Stablean> <Big Meech> holy shit 06:56:24 <Stablean> <Big Meech> mother fuck 06:56:35 <Stablean> <Big Meech> =[ 06:56:42 <Stablean> <Diablo> that was mean 06:56:48 <Stablean> <Big Meech> i told you to take out more loan and i even gave you 100,000$ 06:56:54 <Stablean> <Big Meech> =[[ 06:57:05 <Stablean> <Diablo> :( 06:57:47 <Stablean> <Diablo> longest iv lasted in like 2 months 06:58:21 <Stablean> <Big Meech> well 06:58:31 <Stablean> <Big Meech> When happy transport gets here, maybe you could ask him to join 06:58:37 <Stablean> <Big Meech> i would let you but its not my comp 06:59:39 <Stablean> <Diablo> too bad i cant jion KrunchyAI 06:59:49 <Stablean> <Big Meech> let him join xD 06:59:52 <Stablean> <Big Meech> c'mon 06:59:58 <Stablean> <Big Meech> be a bro 07:02:26 <Stablean> <Big Meech> i dont think he's here =S 07:04:50 <Stablean> *** ROM5419 has started a new company (#8) 07:04:58 <Stablean> <Big Meech> join rom ;) 07:05:12 <Stablean> <Diablo> can i join? 07:05:58 <Stablean> *** Big Meech has joined company #2 07:06:14 <Stablean> *** Big Meech has joined spectators 07:06:26 <Stablean> <Big Meech> i will be back in a few hours 07:06:36 <Stablean> <Diablo> ok, byr 07:06:38 <Stablean> <Big Meech> in the mean time, someone let Diablo join their company xD 07:06:40 <Stablean> <Big Meech> seeya 07:07:12 <Stablean> <Diablo> rom, can i plz join 07:07:26 <Stablean> <ROM5419> wait for a while i build up my MM 07:07:49 <Stablean> <Diablo> ok 07:08:51 <Stablean> <Diablo> r u good @ OTTD? 07:09:13 <Stablean> <ROM5419> not "very", but with 3 years experience 07:09:23 <Stablean> <ROM5419> i use the Chaos Theory regularly 07:10:37 <Stablean> <Diablo> what is the chaos theory? 07:22:53 <Stablean> <ROM5419> OK you may join my comp now 07:23:12 <Stablean> <ROM5419> type "join" to gain pw 07:23:30 <Stablean> <Diablo> join 07:24:02 <Stablean> *** Diablo has joined company #8 07:24:32 <Stablean> *** pav joined the game 08:11:22 <Stablean> *** Diablo has joined spectators 08:11:30 <Stablean> *** Diablo has left the game (leaving) 08:28:51 <Stablean> *** ROM5419 has left the game (general timeout) 08:28:51 <Stablean> *** ROM5419 has left the game (connection lost) 08:30:09 <Stablean> *** ROM5419 joined the game 08:32:09 <Stablean> *** QwiXXeR joined the game 08:33:25 <Stablean> *** QwiXXeR has joined company #5 08:35:03 <Stablean> *** Kittenpeach joined the game 08:58:40 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving) 09:20:30 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving) 09:41:26 <Stablean> *** {[FR]Syl59} joined the game 09:41:29 <Stablean> <[FR]Syl59> hello 09:41:33 <Stablean> <ROM5419> hi 09:44:27 <Stablean> *** [FR]Syl59 has left the game (leaving) 09:44:52 <Stablean> *** SilverMaxim(RUS) joined the game 09:47:05 <Stablean> *** SilverMaxim(RUS) has left the game (leaving) 10:19:55 <Stablean> *** Aphid joined the game 10:23:34 <Stablean> *** ROM5419 has left the game (leaving) 10:27:06 <Stablean> *** Aphid has left the game (leaving) 10:47:07 <Stablean> *** PixL joined the game 10:48:56 <Stablean> *** PixL has started a new company (#9) 10:51:45 <Stablean> *** Droga joined the game 10:52:58 <Stablean> *** QwiXXeR has left the game (leaving) 10:53:08 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 10:53:11 <Stablean> <V453000> hio 10:53:17 <Stablean> <pav> hi :) 10:53:31 <Stablean> <PixL> hi 10:54:14 <Stablean> *** Droga has left the game (leaving) 10:54:18 <Stablean> *** Kittenpeach has left the game (leaving) 10:56:40 <Stablean> <PixL> how come ships are so cheap? 10:56:46 <Stablean> <V453000> some people have really skewed idea of what "chaos theory" means 10:56:57 <Stablean> <V453000> they arent so cheap to run 10:57:11 <Stablean> <pav> becouse yearly run cost 100m 10:57:35 <Stablean> <PixL> I see 10:57:53 <Stablean> <V453000> just use trains :) 10:58:07 <Stablean> <PixL> nah 10:58:11 <Stablean> <PixL> I can't 10:58:29 <Stablean> <PixL> I have negative 43 million 10:58:51 <Stablean> <PixL> does !resetme work? 10:59:00 <Stablean> <PixL> no 10:59:02 <Stablean> <pav> just start another company ... with trains 10:59:13 <Stablean> <PixL> I think i will =P 10:59:43 <Stablean> *** PixL has joined spectators 10:59:47 <Stablean> *** PixL has started a new company (#10) 11:00:35 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 11:16:09 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game 11:16:45 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has joined company #2 11:30:32 <Stablean> *** PixL has left the game (leaving) 11:37:37 <Stablean> *** Droga joined the game 11:41:01 <Stablean> *** Droga has left the game (leaving) 11:41:25 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (leaving) 11:52:40 <Stablean> *** destro joined the game 11:55:57 <Stablean> *** destro has left the game (leaving) 12:22:33 <Stablean> *** KrunchyAl has left the game (general timeout) 12:22:35 <Stablean> *** KrunchyAl has left the game (connection lost) 13:06:58 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game 13:24:38 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (leaving) 13:50:49 <Stablean> *** BennyCZ joined the game 13:56:14 <Stablean> *** BennyCZ has left the game (leaving) 14:53:55 <Stablean> *** destro joined the game 15:09:33 <Stablean> *** Player #1 has started a new company (#9) 15:09:34 <Mazur> !rcon move 4401 255 15:09:35 <Mazur> "Player", when you play in a company, use a proper nick, you can set one with !name yourname in the textbox 15:09:36 <Stablean> Mazur: say_client 4401 "Please change your nick, Player #1." 15:09:38 <Stablean> Mazur: say_client 4401 "To change your nick, open console (hit the key to the left of '1')" 15:09:38 <Stablean> Mazur: say_client 4401 "Then, type: name \"new-name\" (keep the quotes)" 15:09:40 <Stablean> Mazur: say_client 4401 "Or type !name \"new-name\" in the chat (works here only)" 15:09:40 <Stablean> Mazur: move 4401 255 15:09:42 <Stablean> Mazur: you have 16 more messages 15:12:04 <Stablean> *** Player #1 has left the game (leaving) 15:14:53 <Stablean> *** happy tran sport joined the game 15:16:07 *** TWerkhoven has joined #openttdcoop.stable 15:21:25 <Stablean> *** happy tran sport has joined company #2 15:21:41 <Stablean> <happy tran sport> hi 15:21:44 <Stablean> <pav> hi 15:43:35 <Stablean> *** destro has left the game (leaving) 16:15:20 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable 16:15:20 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 16:34:50 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost) 16:35:34 <Stablean> *** happy tran sport has left the game (general timeout) 16:35:34 <Stablean> *** happy tran sport has left the game (connection lost) 16:41:49 <Stablean> *** destro joined the game 17:10:02 <Stablean> *** pav has left the game (leaving) 17:17:05 <Stablean> *** pav joined the game 17:48:10 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 17:48:14 <Stablean> <V453000> hello 17:48:24 <Stablean> <pav> hi 17:48:32 <Stablean> <destro> hiya 17:49:06 <Stablean> <V453000> not much happening this game 17:49:38 <Stablean> <pav> yes... 17:51:36 <Stablean> *** destro has left the game (leaving) 17:57:28 <Stablean> *** pav has left the game (leaving) 17:57:28 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 17:59:52 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 18:00:29 <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:00:29 <Stablean> *** happy tran sport joined the game 18:01:44 <Stablean> *** happy tran sport has left the game (leaving) 18:04:19 <Mazth> woot woot mazur automessage improved :) 18:07:35 <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:07:35 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:07:35 <Stablean> *** destro joined the game 18:11:28 *** Mazur has quit IRC 18:15:10 <Stablean> *** pav joined the game 18:21:31 <Stablean> *** Vidar joined the game 18:22:23 <Stablean> *** Vidar has left the game (leaving) 18:37:29 <Stablean> *** DnZ-Ali joined the game 18:37:37 <Stablean> <DnZ-Ali> hi 18:37:43 <Stablean> <pav> hi 18:37:49 <Stablean> <pav> wona join us ? 18:41:52 <Stablean> *** DnZ-Ali has left the game (leaving) 18:49:57 <Stablean> <destro> in finances what does "other" stand for? 18:50:43 <Stablean> <pav> I have the same questions what are thouse 1200 for 18:51:10 <Stablean> <destro> there must be a purpose for them 18:51:13 <Stablean> <pav> but when you give other player money , they go as "Other" 19:05:52 <Stablean> *** destro has left the game (leaving) 19:15:25 <Stablean> *** destro joined the game 19:55:27 <Stablean> <Big Meech> hello 19:55:37 <Stablean> <pav> hi :) 19:58:37 *** mks has quit IRC 19:58:37 *** Ammler has quit IRC 19:59:04 <Stablean> <pav> I spend my time to try incity PAX 19:59:30 <Stablean> <Big Meech> aaah, doing well ? 19:59:41 <Stablean> <pav> so-so ... 20:00:23 <Stablean> <pav> I dont expect we have 100 road venicles and only now start to use them 20:00:27 *** Ammler has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:00:27 *** mks has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:00:27 *** kilo.oftc.net sets mode: +ovov Ammler Ammler mks mks 20:00:54 <Stablean> <pav> tryed in city PAX with trains, result is not good financially 20:01:52 <Stablean> <Big Meech> well what you need to do is have many stations surrounding a town and have then all drop off into 1 location then transoport those like 1/2 way acrsoss the map, thats how you make good $ 20:03:19 <Stablean> <pav> I tried this in Predham ... its ok, but at Ovenbury its full fall ... 20:03:56 *** Mazth has quit IRC 20:03:56 *** Speedy has quit IRC 20:04:23 *** Mazth has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:04:23 *** Speedy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:04:24 <Stablean> <pav> even in Predham train capacity is too low, compared to place they take ... all stations are full of ppl 20:11:39 *** Mazth has quit IRC 20:11:39 *** Speedy has quit IRC 20:12:02 *** Mazth has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:12:02 *** Speedy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:29:32 <Stablean> *** QwiXXeR joined the game 20:33:12 *** TWerkhoven has quit IRC 20:55:05 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> ih 20:55:06 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game 20:55:15 <Stablean> <pav> hi :) 20:56:58 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving) 21:09:47 *** ODM has quit IRC 21:17:50 <Stablean> *** QwiXXeR has joined company #5 21:23:19 <Stablean> *** Kittenpeach joined the game 21:31:37 <Stablean> *** happy tran sport joined the game 21:49:46 <Stablean> *** Cameron has left the game (general timeout) 21:49:46 <Stablean> *** Cameron has left the game (connection lost) 21:50:00 *** Mazur has joined #openttdcoop.stable 21:50:00 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mazur 22:00:50 <Stablean> *** Cameron joined the game 22:01:05 <Stablean> *** Cameron has joined company #6 22:17:23 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 22:17:24 <Stablean> <V453000> hello 22:17:44 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> Hey :) 22:17:48 <Stablean> <happy tran sport> hi 22:17:54 <Stablean> <pav> hi 22:18:10 <Stablean> <V453000> want a new map? 22:19:02 <Mazth> lol whut...map already full on first day? 22:19:19 <Stablean> <V453000> more or less 22:19:29 <Stablean> <V453000> nobody seems to be playing it much 22:19:36 <Mazth> even with ukrs? 22:19:51 <V453000> how is ukrs related to that :d 22:19:53 <Stablean> *** Mazth joined the game 22:20:18 <Stablean> <Mazth> ukrs slower beginning 22:20:30 <Stablean> <V453000> a bit 22:21:23 <Stablean> <Mazth> funy how ppl entomb the cities they want to grow in rails =S 22:21:25 <Stablean> <V453000> I just dont think this is going anywhere ... tell me if my feeling is wrong 22:21:43 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> I don't mind if you want to reset 22:22:02 <Stablean> <V453000> I dont really mind either way, im asking you 22:22:12 <Stablean> <Mazth> well happy is not all over the map so that is one pointer 22:22:46 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> do you want a reset Maz? :) 22:22:49 <Stablean> <V453000> lol that hub is ridiculous 22:22:55 <Stablean> <V453000> half of it isnt needed 22:23:03 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game 22:23:07 <Stablean> <Mazth> I just joined in, was busy today 22:23:22 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has joined company #2 22:23:30 <Stablean> <happy tran sport> hi toy 22:23:30 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> this map doesn't have the charms of Westoros 22:23:33 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> hi happy 22:23:35 <Stablean> <Mazth> well troy is here to make chaos! 22:23:41 <Stablean> <V453000> Troy why do you have full 3way hub when you have only one coal drop 22:23:56 <Stablean> *** happy tran sport has joined company #2 22:24:00 <Stablean> <Mazth> he is well prepared for the future :) 22:24:10 <Stablean> <pav> :) 22:24:29 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> because we were thinking of doing wood too at that time 22:24:45 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> that others havent picked up on it... 22:25:05 <Stablean> <V453000> :) 22:25:11 <Stablean> <Mazth> Kittenpeach: it is more looking like the Dothraki Sea this map 22:25:17 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> hehe :P 22:25:28 <Stablean> <pav> what will be new map ? 22:25:30 <Stablean> <V453000> want nuts or some other train set? 22:25:44 <Stablean> <Mazth> I want canadian/dutch stations 22:25:50 <Stablean> <V453000> go play on PS 22:26:04 <Stablean> <V453000> not on bananas = not here 22:26:10 <Stablean> <pav> I really prefer NUTS over ussv ... 22:26:16 <Stablean> <Mazth> they're not on bananas? 22:26:26 <Stablean> <V453000> nope 22:26:32 <Stablean> <Mazth> hey in the ottdcoop grfpack? 22:26:39 <Stablean> <V453000> yes sure 22:26:46 <Stablean> <Mazth> aah ok that is why I had them 22:26:56 <Stablean> <Mazth> they have nice looking pax stations 22:27:51 <Stablean> <V453000> climate? 22:28:05 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> tropic/subarctic 22:28:15 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> or what is it called, with the snow and the mountains and stuff 22:28:17 <Stablean> <Mazth> aye 22:30:04 <Stablean> <Mazth> Kittenpeach: started in book 4 today and it keeps being cool :) 22:30:12 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> aah awesome :) 22:30:22 <Stablean> <Mazth> so series should be too :) 22:30:49 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> I am looking forward to the new series, 2 seemed to finish all too quickly :P 22:38:04 <Stablean> <Mazth> yeah they should have 12 eps or so even though they are 1 hr long 22:40:00 <Stablean> <Mazth> because the series follows so many lines in the story it hard to give them all a lot of attention apart from where they overlap 22:40:24 <Stablean> <V453000> ok, I have a map ready 22:40:26 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> yeah, it felt like some characters got so little screen time, and i wanted to see more from them 22:40:46 <Stablean> <Mazth> like which oneS? 22:40:48 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> but there are just so many 22:40:54 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> I'll not be playing then 22:40:57 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> good luck! 22:40:59 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has joined spectators 22:41:07 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> i felt like we didn't see much of Robb and what he was getting up to 22:41:25 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> nn 22:41:31 <Stablean> <Mazth> ciao troy! 22:41:59 <Stablean> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 22:42:03 <Stablean> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 22:42:06 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 22:42:15 <Stablean> *** destro has started a new company (#2) 22:42:16 <Stablean> *** QwiXXeR joined the game 22:42:18 <Stablean> *** Cameron joined the game 22:42:18 <Stablean> *** destro joined the game 22:42:22 <Stablean> *** Kittenpeach joined the game 22:42:22 <Stablean> *** happy tran sport joined the game 22:42:24 <Stablean> *** pav joined the game 22:42:30 <Stablean> *** Mazth joined the game 22:42:37 <V453000> !auto 22:42:38 <Stablean> *** V453000 has enabled autopause mode. 22:42:40 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (manual) 22:42:42 <Stablean> <V453000> njoy 22:42:44 <Stablean> *** Cameron has started a new company (#3) 22:42:48 <Stablean> <Mazth> thanks! 22:42:50 <Stablean> <V453000> yw :) 22:42:53 <Stablean> *** Kittenpeach has started a new company (#4) 22:43:05 <Stablean> *** happy tran sport has started a new company (#5) 22:43:10 <Stablean> *** QwiXXeR has joined company #4 22:43:15 <Stablean> <Mazth> hmm shall I stick to my cross map pax plan? 22:43:27 <Stablean> <V453000> cross map? :d 22:43:35 <Stablean> <V453000> not many towns 22:44:29 <Stablean> <Mazth> grow one city W and one E and then an ICE between them 22:44:37 <Stablean> *** Mazur joined the game 22:44:41 <Stablean> <Mazth> (pink is available again btw) 22:45:15 <Stablean> <Mazth> I wanted to do a crossmap sometime but with these islands it is not going to be easy ;) 22:45:22 <Stablean> <V453000> that is a fairly boring plan :) 22:45:32 <Stablean> <V453000> at least 3 towns is nicer :p 22:46:03 <Stablean> <V453000> lol happy could you please pick another island ... unless you two with Cameron really want to share one :D 22:46:21 <Stablean> *** Mazur has left the game (leaving) 22:46:29 <Stablean> <happy tran sport> yep 22:46:31 <Stablean> <Mazth> but how to choose where the pax goes with 3 towns 22:46:42 <Stablean> <V453000> that is the question :) 22:46:48 <Stablean> <Cameron> fine with me 22:47:07 <Stablean> <V453000> how to choose where pax goes is the biggest "issue" of most pax games unless you have some special way how to do it 22:47:09 <Stablean> <Mazth> ppl want ofc go everywhere, if I decide to make it a free country at least 22:47:24 <Stablean> <V453000> you dont care where they "want" .p 22:48:06 <Stablean> <Mazth> I like the idea of every station being drop and pick up in the s bahn so ppl theoretically can go everywhere 22:48:21 <Stablean> <V453000> hm why do 2 people start with oil, yet both of them have only one oil well available nearby 22:48:55 <Stablean> <Mazth> well I always start with oil because I always start with oil for that matter 22:49:23 <Stablean> <Mazth> kitty; we got the robb, nurse romance! 22:49:25 <Stablean> <V453000> thats rather dull :d 22:49:35 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> hehe very true :P 22:49:51 <Stablean> <Mazth> but not so much of his all won battles and other stuff 22:50:05 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> i wanted to see more battles :P 22:51:03 <Stablean> <Mazth> the romance felt a bit like a crowdpleaser 22:51:13 <Stablean> <Mazth> and more battles would have been nice indeed:) 22:51:28 <Stablean> <Mazth> slaughter, carnage! 22:51:48 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> i mostly want to see the smirk get wiped off Joffrey's face though hehe 22:51:49 *** Mazur has quit IRC 22:52:45 <Stablean> <Mazth> don t we all?! 22:52:51 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> for sure! 22:53:46 <Stablean> <Mazth> what does the red triangle warningsign means in the grf list? 22:55:36 <Stablean> <V453000> oh :) 22:55:55 <Stablean> <V453000> hm not much 22:56:01 <Stablean> <V453000> ignore it 22:56:31 <Stablean> <V453000> just banks work normally as usual in tropic, instead of valuables which is in the industries grf parameters 22:56:34 <Stablean> <V453000> doesnt really matter 22:57:05 <Stablean> <Mazth> ah ok, not rly impact on game 22:57:07 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> look at Q's horses 22:57:22 <Stablean> <Mazth> run horsies! 22:57:28 <Stablean> *** Cameron has joined spectators 22:57:32 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> they are stampeding through the town! 22:57:42 <Stablean> <Mazth> nice traffic control 22:58:20 <Stablean> <V453000> well not everybody starts the game with horses :d 22:58:27 <Stablean> <V453000> thats for sure 23:00:43 <Stablean> <Mazth> QwiXXeR: you guys should take back the pink colour ;) 23:00:49 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> aaw okay hehe 23:01:07 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> ty :P 23:02:17 <Stablean> <V453000> I wont ask why pink is so privileged :d 23:02:47 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> priveleged you say? :P 23:03:23 <Stablean> <Mazth> well my main association with the pink comp is kittyQwix so it gives me a sense of continuity if they are pink 23:03:33 <Stablean> *** pav has left the game (leaving) 23:03:41 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> :D 23:03:51 <Stablean> <V453000> didnt really ever choose a colour to stick with :) 23:05:08 *** Mazur has joined #openttdcoop.stable 23:05:08 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mazur 23:08:03 <Stablean> <V453000> well have fun :) I will be going 23:08:09 <Stablean> <Mazth> thanks! ciaociao 23:08:11 <Stablean> <Kittenpeach> bb :) 23:08:13 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 23:08:15 <Stablean> <happy tran sport> by 23:08:18 <V453000> cyas 23:17:11 <Stablean> *** Cameron has joined company #3 23:43:46 <Stablean> *** Kittenpeach has left the game (leaving) 23:55:39 <Stablean> *** QwiXXeR has left the game (connection lost)