Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 31st May 2009:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
01:33:19  <Brot5> Backup done! (Usage: 39M)
01:33:19  <Brot5> Am I accompanied by a PARENT or GUARDIAN?
02:21:16  <Brot> [DevZone] 2cc train set - Bug #145: Redo (all) (cargo) wagons (DJNekkid) -
06:54:17  <Brot> [DevZone] 2cc train set - Bug #129 (Assigned): Superbus is missaligned in the \ view (Ammler) -
09:42:36  *** XeryusTC is now known as Xeryus|bnc
10:31:52  *** Hirundo has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
11:26:27  *** Xeryus|bnc is now known as XeryusTC
15:19:18  <Brot> [DevZone] Infrastructure Sharing - Revision 12273: (svn r16483) -Codechange: Enumerate tabs in train detail... (frosch) -
15:19:19  <Brot> [DevZone] Infrastructure Sharing - Revision 12274: (svn r16484) -Cleanup: Renamed widget variable to widget... (alberth) -
15:19:20  <Brot> [DevZone] Infrastructure Sharing - Revision 12275: Merge from trunk (Hirundo) -
15:40:22  *** FooBar_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
15:55:07  <Brot5> is2: Backup push to ssh:// initiated.
15:55:18  <Brot5> opengfx: Backup push to ssh:// initiated.
16:13:17  <Brot> [DevZone] OpenGFX - Revision 39: Fix (Bug #134): additional coast tile graphics now coded to spec (foobar) -
16:13:18  <Brot> [DevZone] OpenGFX - Revision 40: Added tag 0.1.0-alpha4.2-r39(test) for changeset ac7c85b93e12 (foobar) -
16:13:19  <Brot> [DevZone] OpenGFX - Bug #134 (Closed): additional coast tiles broken (foobar) -
16:17:38  <Ammler> hmm
16:18:02  <Brot5> OpenGFX: update from r37 to r40, starting nightly compile
16:18:20  <Brot5> OpenGFX: nightlies compile finished with 1 errors:
16:19:23  <Ammler> I change the tag stuff then :-)
16:20:15  <Ammler> FooBar_: did you get some answer?
16:21:27  <Ammler> let us strip r40
16:22:31  <Brot5> Tag detected: 0.1.0-alpha4.2-r39(test), starting compiling...
16:22:49  <Brot5> OpenGFX: releases compile finished with 5 errors:
16:24:37  <Brot5> Tag detected: 0.1.0-alpha4.2-r39(test), starting compiling...
16:24:56  <Brot5> OpenGFX: releases compile finished with 10 errors:
16:28:36  <Ammler> and you used a very ugly tag name.
16:43:29  <FooBar_> was just for testing
16:43:49  <FooBar_> one part of the test being that creating a tag creates a new revision
16:44:09  <FooBar_> other part just testing how to create a tag
16:44:53  <FooBar_> future proper releases will not include the revision nor "(test)"
16:45:20  <FooBar_> next 'real' tag will be "0.1.0-alpha5" nothing more, nothing less
16:45:32  <FooBar_> much less ugly :)
16:48:03  <FooBar_> funny thing though is that I'm still pushing the changeset with that tag on my side. Connection is very slow due to me downloading bigtime at the moment
16:51:17  <FooBar_> but yes, go ahead and strip r40
16:54:29  <Ammler> can you kill that push
16:54:36  <Ammler> FooBar_: ^
16:56:27  <Ammler> killed it server side :-)
16:56:37  <Ammler> he, needed -9
16:57:26  <Ammler> FooBar_: you need to strip it too
16:57:32  <Ammler> tip should be 39
17:00:18  <Brot5> opengfx: Backup push to ssh:// initiated.
17:11:45  *** Hirundo_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
17:12:07  *** Hirundo has quit IRC
17:12:10  *** Hirundo_ is now known as Hirundo
17:13:33  <Ammler> if I decode a grf, I don't get one line per sprite, it does also make other newlines....
17:59:27  <FooBar_> possible. If a sprite is too long, it's split over multiple lines by grfcodec.
17:59:35  <FooBar_> that's disablable though IIRC
18:01:54  <FooBar_> or maybe not, because after a quick check I can't find out how
18:11:31  *** Hirundo_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
18:12:35  <Ammler> :-)
18:15:38  *** Hirundo has quit IRC
18:15:52  *** Hirundo_ is now known as Hirundo
20:05:20  <Brot> [DevZone] #openttdcoop - Wiki edit: Welcome (#9) (foobar) -
20:11:18  <Brot> [DevZone] #openttdcoop - Wiki edit: Installing_Mercurial_(Windows) (#1) (foobar) -
20:11:19  <Brot> [DevZone] #openttdcoop - Wiki edit: Installing_Mercurial_(Windows) (#2) (foobar) -
20:41:18  <Brot> [DevZone] #openttdcoop - Wiki edit: Setting_up_SSH_(Windows) (#1) (foobar) -
21:28:43  *** FooBar_ has quit IRC
21:29:18  <Brot> [DevZone] #openttdcoop - Wiki edit: Compiling_(Windows) (#1) (foobar) -
21:35:02  *** Hirundo has quit IRC

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