Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 28th November 2014:
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07:24:07  *** LSky` has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
08:44:56  *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
10:19:22  <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #576-push: SUCCESS in 4 min 0 sec:
10:52:53  *** Supercheese has quit IRC
11:16:25  <planetmaker> @calc 180/24
11:16:25  <Webster> planetmaker: 7.5
11:29:52  <Alberth> yeah, just too difficult to do by head :)
12:01:32  <planetmaker> :P
12:01:46  <V453000> 666
12:04:26  *** LSky`` has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
12:08:59  *** LSky` has quit IRC
12:17:40  <Alberth> you never have the problem of dividing half a pie between 24 people?
12:18:22  <Alberth> although technically
12:18:36  <Alberth> @calc 7.5 * 3.1415 / 180
12:18:36  <Webster> Alberth: 0.130895833333
12:19:18  <V453000> xd
12:20:56  <planetmaker> :D In those cases I prefer to rather bake two cakes, Alberth :)
12:21:12  <planetmaker> or three
12:21:32  <Alberth> yeah, 0.13 radians is not so much unless you have a very large pie :)
12:21:37  <planetmaker> 7.5° slice sizes of cake are not very much :)
12:21:43  <planetmaker> yeah
13:51:06  * Rubidium would probably have more than enough with 0.13 degrees of ;)
13:51:08  <Webster> Title: - The Worlds Largest Birthday Cake (at
13:54:40  <Alberth> :D
14:00:49  <planetmaker> :D
15:24:27  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
16:37:17  <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #577-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 48 sec:
16:48:16  <DevZone> Project trams-2cc build #20-push: SUCCESS in 10 sec:
17:17:34  *** LSky`` has quit IRC
18:05:11  <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #578-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 42 sec:
18:21:53  *** gelignite has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
18:31:18  <Alberth> wow, if you think 45 degrees of a pie of 12cm radius is enough for a person, a 7.5 degrees piece needs less than 30cm radius, or a 0.13 degrees piece of a pie of 224 cm radius. You  might need new plates for the cake perhaps :p
18:31:49  <Alberth> I'd expect it to be longer tbh
18:32:10  <Alberth> *expected
18:40:32  <DevZone> Project road-hog build #505-nightlies: SUCCESS in 31 sec:
18:44:18  *** gelignite has quit IRC
18:52:58  <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #579-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 44 sec:
19:13:21  *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.devzone
19:15:06  *** oskari89 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
19:19:21  <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #580-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 38 sec:
20:41:23  *** gelignite has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
21:13:47  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
21:13:57  <andythenorth> eh, has hg died?
21:14:10  <andythenorth> remote: Connection closed by
21:14:11  <andythenorth> abort: no suitable response from remote hg!
21:14:26  <andythenorth> connection here has some timeouts, but is basically working
21:28:14  <andythenorth> my ISP is reporting a fault
21:28:34  <andythenorth> but hg worked until about 9.05pm
21:41:38  <andythenorth> pushing over ssh btw
21:53:20  *** ODM has quit IRC
22:12:24  <^Spike^> andythenorth can you do a traceroute to that ip?
22:12:47  <andythenorth> 10s
22:12:49  <andythenorth> bet it’s my ISP :P
22:12:56  <^Spike^> traceroute != ping :)
22:13:42  <andythenorth> I know :)
22:13:55  <andythenorth> looks like the ISP has internal routing shit
22:13:59  <^Spike^> ah
22:14:16  <andythenorth> just spent 120ms trying to do a hop from one piece of ISP kit to another
22:14:33  <andythenorth>
22:14:50  <andythenorth> or DNS is poisoned or something
22:15:10  <^Spike^> it does reach cimarosa... hmmm
22:16:07  <andythenorth> yeah, after some huge wait
22:16:22  <andythenorth> but hg push fails in just 1s or so
22:16:28  <^Spike^> could be peering between hetzner/virgin fucking up
22:16:59  <andythenorth> also would ssh be routed any differently?
22:17:05  <^Spike^> nop
22:17:09  <andythenorth> I am at the end of my knowledge there :P
22:17:10  <^Spike^> i would use the same hops
22:17:15  <^Spike^> it*
22:20:06  <^Spike^> might be peering issues as i said or isp really fucking up :)
22:20:09  <andythenorth> thanks anyway :)
22:20:45  <^Spike^> my work is being part of the interwebz so i can somehow use that knowledge from time to time :D
22:21:54  <andythenorth> I do mostly the ‘making things people click on’ part of the interwebz
22:22:14  <andythenorth> sometimes that involves getting told more about networking than I need :P
22:22:26  <^Spike^> :)
22:22:51  <^Spike^> wel hosting company and peering seems to be really important together :D
23:03:36  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
23:28:49  *** oskari89 has quit IRC

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